USS Odyssey
- "We shall not cease from exploration // And the end of all our exploring // Will be to arrive where we started // And know the place for the first time."
- —T.S. Elliot - Ship's Dedication Quote
The USS Odyssey (NCC-80000), is an Odyssey-class Federation starship and was the prototype for the class. The Odyssey is a deep space heavy explorer and is known for many of its exploits in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. At the end of 2400, the ship became the flagship for the Odyssey Squadron, a group of Starfleet ships grouped together as an expeditionary force in the Delta Quadrant. As of 2401, the ship is under the command of Captain Max Duncan.
The ship is one of Starfleet’s most advanced vessels operating in the fleet and its crew is one of the most diverse, too. Almost every member of the Federation is represented in its manifest. This is something that McCallister carried on from his previous command, the Luna-class starship USS Triton. Initially, the crew consisted of almost everyone from the Triton and those who served on the previous ship named Odyssey.
The ship was launched in 2387 with then Captain James McCallister as its skipper. McCallister would rise to fame while commanding the ship and promoted to Fleet Captain and later Commodore. He remains on the Odyssey and oversees the squadron it leads.
The ship’s motto is based on the poem by T. S. Eliot named Little Gidding.
Design and Layout
Being the prototype for the Odyssey-class, the ship itself was the testbed and main blueprint for later ships. Over the years, the crew have made changes as the ship has either been upgraded/refitted or the change is required for mission purposes. The phrase "floating starbase" has been used on more than one occasion by various crew members.
One thing that Captain McCallister pushed on shortly before he took command was the need for the ship to be extremely safe for families to be on board. He had become a father himself, and as such, he and his wife enjoyed the luxurious VIP-style quarters that were built for their family. This itself has grown as his three sons have got older, needing their own private rooms within their family quarters. This has become a similar custom with others and their own growing families. As such, the huge room on the ship has allowed for this to take place.
Being a platform that can host a number of smaller ships, the Odyssey proved itself very early on its shakedown cruise as an excellent long-range explorer. Sadly though, her deep space exploration assignments in the Alpha & Beta Quadrant from 2387 to 2399 were limited to less than a year. Each time McCallister ever challenged Starfleet over this, they would continue to state concerns about having the Odyssey so far away from the Federation border. That said, her ability to host a range of diplomatic functions gave her the ship and crew a fair and favourable reputation among Federation worlds and allies. After the destruction of the homeworld of the Romulan Star Empire, Odyssey was assigned to the Romulan Neutral Zone as refugees flooded the area. The ship was one of the few Starfleet ships around to support those who were fleeing from the former empire. The ship's ability to support many people and engage in multiple missions was commended by Starfleet and those they saved.
When Starfleet eventually decided to assign the Odyssey to a proper deep space exploration assignment in the Delta Quadrant, she was ordered to Starbase Bravo to receive critical upgrades to her tactical systems. Starfleet was not prepared to take any chances with these. A bulk of these new systems were based on those installed on the USS Arcturus.
Bridge, Deck 1
When the ship was built in the 2380s, the style of the bridge was based on similar designs for other larger vessels of this era. Though the configuration of Odyssey's bridge has changed over the years, the basic layout has remained pretty much the same.
Like all Starfleet bridge designs, the captain's chair sits in the centre of the bridge in a prime position to be able to see and hear all that is happening around it. To its right is the first officer's chair, and to its left is the chair reserved for another senior officer, normally the ship's counsellor. In front of the bridge is the helm to the left and the operations station to the right. Running along the left side of the bridge are the engineering stations (including damage control), while on the opposite side are all of the science stations. Behind the first officer's chair and other senior officer's chairs are the security and tactical stations. Sitting behind all of this in the drop-down area are further stations assigned to mission operations. The larger bridge allows for the Odyssey's crew to deal with and respond to multiple events taking place in and around the ship. Almost every bridge station is manned during each of the four shifts.
In late the mid-2390s, the Odyssey was updated with the latest LCARS and provided with holographic controls as well. Holographic displays can be raised from any console, including from the arm consoles of the captain's chair.
From the bridge, access can be gained to the larger-than-normal captain's ready room (this is on the starboard side of the ship) as well as access to three turbolift shafts (two on the port side and one on the starboard side). The Odyssey's observation lounge is located in front of the bridge module; as such, two doors can be used to take a small ramp on either side to enter this large room. Behind the bridge sits access to an equipment storage area, along with four escape pods and the deck one airlock. Located on the port side of the bridge is a small staff break room that also leads into an anteroom. This space is normally used by those who may be pulling a double shift or require a short rest break.
Ready Room, Deck 1
The Odyssey's ready room is large enough for the captain to meet with a small party. Linked to the bridge, this office space gives plenty of external view for visitors and the captain. A wooden curved carved desk sits in front of one of the large slanted bay windows.
The room is split into two sides; one side contains a smaller conference table with holographic projectors installed in it. This is normally used by the captain when meeting with other commanding officers or his first and second executive officers. Parallel to it is a curved sofa (which had been under the windows originally until 2400) which can convert to a bed if the captain is required to remain on duty for longer periods of time and returning to his quarters is not viable. Other armchairs are in close proximity to this sofa, along with a reclining chair that the captain is known to use when doing his admin work.
Dotted around the room are various pictures and knick-knacks the captain has collected over the years since commanding the Odyssey. Several photographs of his family, close friends and crew are on display too. A glass cabinet containing gold models of his previous commands stands to one side as well.
The Auditorium
The main area that the crew have come to enjoy the most is the main crew lounge area, located in the forward section of decks eleven and twelve. Nicknamed The Auditorium, due to its huge size and spanning more than two decks high, it is where almost everyone on the ship goes for a meal in between shifts. It can host over two hundred people seated, but it is not a cramped location during its busiest hours. As the flow in and out of The Auditorium is constant, it is rare that a seat cannot be found.
The entrance to the lounge is via the six large doors. Four are located on the main (bottom) level, one in each corner, while the other two are on the upper level. Access to the upper level can be achieved via the two entrances closest to the large bay windows on deck eleven, or patrons could walk up a wide flight of stairs that exist in the middle of the room down to the main level.
The main level (located on deck twelve) is laid out in an almost rectangular shape, with the longest sides running from the large bay windows located in the forward section of the lounge. On the main level is a range of comfortable chairs located around squared-shaped tables that are set up so four people can sit. In the centre of the main level is a slightly lowered level (again rectangular in shape) which has raised glass bannisters along its two longest sides. Sometimes during evening entertainment, the furniture located here can be removed, and holographic staging can be activated to allow for the entertainment to take place, or it can be turned into a dance floor. It is not just chairs and tables located on the main floor. A long bar sits in front of the far wall, which can sit ten people, with two replicators on either end. During the day, at every meal time, a huge buffet is laid out of cooked meals by the ship's impressive galley staff in front of the bar. Most nights, there are themed menu choices along with a range of entertainment. Above the bar is a massive holographic wall monitor. This is normally used to show the latest news feeds and the ship’s daily agenda/schedule, but again in the evening, it changes to help with the entertainment being provided.
On the upper level, again, more tables and chairs are located and on the starboard side is an almost VIP section which is one of the captain’s private dining rooms. Here a larger circular table is located, where the captain can host guests and the senior staff if he wishes to do so within close proximity of the action taking place in The Auditorium. Besides the captain’s VIP area, the upper level is almost the most sought-after area in the lounge due to the fact of the breathtaking views that can be seen from the curved bay windows.
The Auditorium is seen over by its lounge manager Remi Goldman. Remi is a Human man in his late fifties that agreed to join the Odyssey after Captain McCallister offered him the spot after visiting his own bar during his tenure as an instructor at Starfleet Academy in the 2380s. Remi’s mannerism is straight to the point; he hates the idea of replicated food or drink being served in the lounge and always has the chef create fresh food from scratch. He is rumoured to have a huge stash of a range of alcoholics stored in a secure cargo bay as well. On some occasions, Remi is known to cook and would do this on a themed evening, live in front of everyone in The Auditorium. Not keen on depending on holographic entertainers or servers, Remi employs flesh and blood staff members and encourages a good number of the crew who can help with entertainment to be involved. This can include singing and playing instruments or hosting a games evening. His wife Clara, who is one of the civilian teachers, is known to help out some nights when she is not at home with their two teenage daughters and teenage son. Clara is a keen musician herself, and when is helping out in the lounge, she can be found playing on the large grand piano on the main floor; a majority of her music is soulful or jazz-based. On occasions when she is encouraged to do so, she will also sing. Clara can be joined on stage by Remi, where he plays his saxophone. Their son, Duke, is a keen guitar player and, once a year since 2397, has held a Battle of the Bands competition for the younger members of the Odyssey crew. Being a family man, Remi ensures that The Auditorium has a family-friendly feel to it at all times, unless there’s a particular themed evening of entertainment where it is only suitable for adults, but these nights are rare.
Besides the other places on the ship's recreation/promenade deck for the crew to enjoy on their off time, The Auditorium has become a popular communal place for everyone.
The Boardwalk
Along the edge of the Odyssey's chevron section is it's own promenade of bars, restaurants, clubs, cafes and recreation facilities known as The Boardwalk. These facilities are normally hosted by civilian members of the crew with help from holographic hosts/staff. The Boardwalk is able to host a entertainment facilities not only just for the Odyssey but those in the squadron too.
Other Crew Lounges/Mess Halls
Some of the crew lounges that were in the ring section of the saucer section on deck twelve are named after various locations that appear in the epic poem based on the ship’s namesake.
The Lion Gate
The Lion Gate is one of the small crew lounges named after the main entrance to the Ancient Greek citadel of Mycenae. It is one of the smaller lounges dedicated to the sole use of the senior staff. It has two almost oval-shaped tables that could fit four people around them, a pair of replicators at either end of the room and three curved settees to lounge in while looking out of the ship through the seven large bay windows. A small bar area is located on the left-hand side of the lounge as you enter, just tucked away in the corner. There are not many pictures on the wall besides a few paintings of the Odyssey.
Captain McCallister had set up a dartboard on one of the walls along with several other games that could be used by anyone. On several occasions, the senior staff would meet in The Lion Gate for a poker night or at the end of a busy mission for a nightcap. Holographic stewards could be activated to help ensure the senior staff had a smooth evening.
The Barn
Located along The Boardwalk, The Barn was a brand new establishment that was built and completed in 2401. It was a large room, like The Auditorium, however, it wasn’t across two levels and wasn't as wide. The design appeared more like a Ten Forward lounge found on a Ross-class ship. After it was built, it was a preferred place to go for some of the junior crew.
Specific Technical Information
Emergency Holographic Programs
Like so many other ships in the fleet, the Odyssey was installed with a range of holographic crew members to assist in emergency situations. Each hologram was named by McCallister and had their names linked to the Ancient Greek epic poem Odyssey or Ancient Greek history. All of the holograms appeared human.
- Emergency Command Hologram: Penelope (named after the queen of Ithaca and wife of Odysseus.)
- Emergency Medical Hologram: Doctor "Agnes" Angodice (named after the legendary figure credited as the first female physician in ancient Athens.)
- Emergency Engineering Holographic Team:
- Troy (named after the Ancient Greek city)
- Arete (named after the Queen of the Phaeacians, wife of Alcinous)
- Antinous (named after one of Penelope's suitors, who tries to have Telemachus killed.)
- Menelaus (named after the King of Sparta and husband of Helen.)
- Nestor (named after the King of Pylos and a former warrior in the Trojan War.)
- Emergency Tactical Hologram: Helen (named after the wife of Menelaus and queen of Sparta.)
- Emergency Navigational Hologram: Alcinous (named after the King of the Phaeacians, who offers Odysseus hospitality in his island kingdom of Scheria.)
- Emergency Training Hologram: Athena (named after the daughter of Zeus and goddess of wisdom, purposeful battle, and the womanly arts.)
Integrated Starship Auxiliary Craft
USS Aquarius (NCC-80000/1)
Again another prototype, the Aquarius, which was the specially designed support ship built for the Odyssey proved itself on numerous occasions during the ship's first decade of service. For a majority of the time, the ship was commanded by the First Officer or Second Officer if it wasn't the captain. The Aquarius was almost lost in 2387 when it crash-landed on a moon. If it hadn't been for its strong hull design and the Odyssey's ability to repair it there and then, the ship would most likely have been destroyed.
In 2399, Captain McCallister took the Aquarius on a classified solo mission to deal with a recent sighting of Omega molecules in the Delta Quadrant. During this mission, the Aquarius was sacrificed to remove the threat of the molecules from falling into the wrong hands. Captain McCallister had used the ship's holographic crew to assist him before he set the ship on auto-destruct. He escaped via the Aquarius's only shuttle.
USS Telemachus (NCC-80000/2)
The Telemachus was another Aquarius-class ship that had originally been assigned to Starbase 38. It had been sent through the Barzan Wormhole shortly after Starfleet had re-assigned it to the Odyssey. As they were close to one of the wormhole’s cycles, it had been brought to them by the USS Tereshkova who had used a number of subspace corridors to reach them before returning back to the rest of the lead expeditionary group. The ship had only been with the Odyssey for forty-eight hours before it was sent on its first mission to assist the crew in exploring the unusual planet they had designated Outré.
Unfortunately, the Telemachus met its fate in early 2400 when it was attempting to save the Odyssey from a temporal anomaly the ship was stuck in during the Century Storm incident in the Paulson Nebula. Its crew and guests, which it had rescued from a nearby archaeology dig site, abandoned the ship during its attempt, but the only person to remain on board was Commander Reyas. The ship and Reyas were presumed lost in action.
USS Telemachus (NCC-80000/2-A)
Once the Odyssey had returned to Starbase Bravo for significant repairs, the latest Aquarius-class ship that had been built was reconfigured and assigned to the Odyssey. Its name was updated at the request of Captain McCallister.
Calypso (NCC-80000/3)
The Calypso was the captain's official yacht. It was assigned to the Odyssey when it underwent its refit and overhaul after the Archanis Campaign in Earth orbit.
The design of the yacht followed a similar lineage to the yachts found on Galaxy-class era ships instead of the more mission-orientated ones from the designs of the Intrepid and Sovereign-classes. Some had mocked the appearance of the yacht as it looked almost like a flying saucer seen in holonovel: The Amazing Adventures of Captain Proton. Nevertheless, the Calypso was created to be quite the agile ship. It was more aimed at supporting the commanding officer of being able to host diplomatic functions on a smaller scale when the Odyssey was not available, or it could turn into another support vessel for short missions that lasted only a week or two. It didn’t carry enough provisions compared to the Telemachus.
Two decks tall, the yacht comes with some unique features that provide a source of luxury for those onboard. Deck 1 has a large reception hall with a small lounge attached to it, along with a small transporter pad. A galley and a bar allow for VIP guests to be treated to replicated and non-replicated food and drink. To access deck two, there are three sets of stairs, and one of them heads up to the cockpit. On deck two, the forward section is inhabited by a cockpit, which is almost the same size as a runabout cockpit. On either side of it are cabins, and then around the edge, three rooms are dedicated to the cargo hold, four for guest quarters, two more rooms in the aft section are for the crew to share, and one more room is given up for the crew as a small break area when guests are onboard. A small sub-deck under deck two, which is mainly made up of access tubes, is dedicated to engineering systems, including the warp core.
Captain McCallister used the Calypso in late 2399 to lead a team to explore the ocean floor on the planet Outré. There they discovered an alien obelisk which had Tkon language on it.
Calypso (NCC-80000/3-A)
In 2401, after the Frontier Day disaster, the Calypso was removed from the ship as it was heavily damaged. Instead, a brand-new integrated auxiliary craft was redesigned and installed on the Odyssey. An upgraded version of the Waverider type used on other ships, this ship was for the captain's personal use during away missions.
Auxilary Craft
Captain McCallister named each shuttle after Greek islands and the runabouts after Greek rivers.
- Personal Shuttles:
- Cargo Shuttles:
- Runabouts
- Arrow-class: Pavllë, Ladon, Neda, Maritsa
- Delta-class: Archeron, Alpheios, Arda
- Orion-class: Tyria, Struma
- New Atlantic-class: Thyamis, Louros, Drino
In 2401, starfighters were also assigned to the Odyssey. Twelve Valkyrie-class fighters are always on standby to assist in defending the ship and the rest of the squadron. They can work with the other fighters in the Odyssey Squadron or as a separate flight.
The first decade of the Odyssey's service to the Federation saw the ship engage in a vast range of missions that tested almost every system (and the crew) to show off the ship's true potential. A bulk of this took place in the Beta Quadrant as the ship was seen as carrying the flag for Starfleet along the borders of the Romulan Republic and Klingon Empire. When the Romulan sun exploded in a supernova and destroyed Romulus (along with a number of other worlds), Odyssey was assigned as one of the lead ships along the former neutral zone to assist with numerous refugees. Aiding with refugees in the Vorash system, the Odyssey’s crew were celebrated by the refugees for rescuing their massive caravan of ragtag ships from being attacked by Nausicaan pirates. Odyssey remained in the Vorash system for a few months, assisting the inhabitants of the colony in building new homes for the refugees they had brought to their planet. This was one of many missions that the Odyssey undertook in helping the Romulan people.
In 2389, the ship returned home to Earth for a minor refit, and the NX in its registry was dropped as more ships of the class began construction.
At the start of the 2390s decade, the Odyssey took key Federation delegates to discuss further possible treaties of formalising relations with the establishing Romulan Republic. It was during these negotiations that the ship was approached by a Romulan warbird that was apparently fleeing from the Romulan Star Empire to defect. Odyssey was able to determine that it was, in fact, a ruse by the Tal Shiar to gain vital intelligence on relations between the Federation and the new republic. When they attempted to disrupt the talks by beaming over a number of Reman soldiers to kidnap the Federation ambassador, the crew found themselves fighting in almost hand-to-hand combat. Thankfully though, they were successful in stopping the assassination attempt and were able to capture the Tal Shiar ship, further aiding in them revealing its secret mission. For their actions, the crew were rewarded by leaders from both sides.
During 2392, the ship was disabled by a swarm of spaceborne lifeforms who mistook the ship’s warp signature as a signal for the pack leader. Offspring of the space-borne life forms appeared across the ship before the crew were able to emit the right signal that would encourage the swarm to leave them and take their babies with them.
Four years later, the crew rescued the crew of a Tamarian ship that had been destroyed after it was displaced near the Federation-Klingon border for unknown reasons. Spending time with the Tamarians helped further relations for the Federation, but exchanging ideas and sustaining conversations with their guests as they took them home was a struggle initially for the crew.
After undergoing routine maintenance in 2397 at Starbase 10, the ship’s holographic system overloaded, and the ship was overrun by holographic characters from the Captain Proton holonovel series. To be able to shut the whole thing down safely, members of the crew had to engage with the story.
A majority of the crew that started with the ship when it was launched remained on board the ship through its first decade of active service. Captain McCallister reported on numerous occasions that he felt this was down to the strong sense of community and family the crew has built over time. He also commented on the fact that the Odyssey was such a dream ship to be a part of; it was unusual for anyone to want to transfer off. New recruits were rare by 2399, with a majority of the crew working their way up through their ranks with time.
At the start of 2399, the ship responded to the distress call from the USS Holt. The Holt's appearance, so near to the Odyssey had become a mystery to the crew as the ship had been assigned to patrol the Gorn Hegemony border while they were on the far side of the border with the Romulan Free State. Eventually, the crew discovered that the Holt's arrival, and later destruction, had been the result of natural soliton waves. A memorial for the loss of the Holt was carried out on the ship, especially as its commanding officer was the Odyssey's first executive officer.
Later on, Starfleet ordered Captain McCallister to report to Starbase 90 with the Odyssey to begin its deep space exploration of the Delta Quadrant. On its way, the ship was ordered to join elements from the fourth fleet in defending the Archanis Sector after numerous raids by the Hunters of D'Ghor. After receiving key components to assemble a brand new sensor array along the border with the Klingon Empire, Odyssey was badly crippled after a rogue Klingon Bird of Prey and a Vor'cha-class attack cruiser engaged them in battle in the Hay'dorian system. The B'rel-class was easily dealt with. However, the latter ship rammed the Odyssey. Significant damage was sustained to the craft, and it wasn't until the arrival of the USS Discovery, USS Shackleton and USS Endeavour, that the system was eventually secured and repairs to the Odyssey could start. Unfortunately, Captain McCallister, Commanders Cambil and Reyas were injured during the battle; command was given to Commander Duncan temporarily during this mission. The crew would go on, along with help from the crew of the Endeavour, to track down and remove the threat posed by D'Ghor hunters that had fled from the first battle.
Eventually, the ship joined the rest of Task Force 17's Lead Expeditionary Force that was heading out to the Delta Quadrant. After several weeks at high warp and the use of the Turei's underspace, the ship arrived at the almost edge of the Gradin Belt, close to where the USS Voyager had left the quadrant. Its first mission was to provide further assistance to the Uxali civilisation. This race had been on the edge of almost extinction after years of antimatter radiation had poisoned their homeworld. Due to the fact the main reason behind this was to do with the Friendship 1 probe (which had been launched by the United Earth Space Probe Agency) landing on their world and offering Earth's plans for warp travel, the Uxali almost destroyed themselves. Voyager had helped them by clearing up their air and providing treatment to the people for radiation poisoning. It was now down to the Odyssey to provide further assistance in rebuilding their world and smoothing out relationships. All in all, the Odyssey crew did complete their mission, but the whole affair lasted for almost a month, and the end result was the complete relocation of the Uxali people to a new world that would give them a fresh start they truly needed. Odyssey helped them in setting up their settlements, building infrastructure and laying the groundwork to ensure the Uxali people survived on their new planet. Their efforts paid off, and the Uxali leadership signed a pledge with Captain McCallister to explore further development in formalising a relationship between their people and the Federation.
Shortly after this mission, the Odyssey encountered the Omega molecule in an area known as the Delta Hedalos Sector. This came about after the ship responded to a distress call from a ship belonging to the Kraylor. This particular ship was heavily damaged, and its crew was severely injured. A further investigation carried out by Captain McCallister revealed the location of omega molecules. The Kraylor were in the process of synthesising more molecules in a bold attempt to use its power to finally liberate their homeworld from the Annari Empire. Following the directive, Captain McCallister led a successful solo mission to remove the threat of Omega, with none of his crew being made aware of the dangers that the substance brought to the galaxy. Sadly though, the USS Aquarius, the Odyssey's support craft, was destroyed during the captain's mission. Also, due to the stress of the secrecy and the lies created by the captain (and members of the senior staff) to keep the Kraylor from ever finding out they were involved in destroying their work and research surrounding omega, Commander Cambil resigned from Starfleet. She felt she could no longer serve in the organisation under such circumstances. Ahead of its next mission, Captain McCallister was unable to promote his wife to be Cambil's successor (due to Starfleet believing neither of them could be objective in their roles), so instead, he made the next available officer his new right-hand. Commander Max Duncan was made the first officer just as the ship was about to begin exploring a nearby cluster of stars in the Delta Hedalos Sector.
On stardate 76497.17, Odyssey found itself entering the Burbidge Cluster. The star systems within it were all uninhabited, with only one M-class planet. The ship was sent to investigate the planet to discover why it was the only one. Prior to their mission, they were pre-warned by Starfleet about the mandate sent out to all Starfleet ships to investigate any leads linked to the Tkon Empire. The crew had placed a wager that the entire cluster had been created by the Tkon due to how artificial it appeared on long-range sensors. Everything seemed to have been placed in the perfect place for the cluster to exist. Eventually, reaching the orbit of the mysterious class M world, which the crew designated Outré for its unusual and almost shocking properties. One example of this was after being in orbit for twenty-four hours, the ship had found pockets of deuterium, signs of gallicite, uridium and kellinite ore and large quantities of edible vegetation. The following day the existence of benamite crystals was determined within a range of caverns and underground tunnels. Due to this discovery and so many others, multiple teams were sent down to explore the surface further. Clues about the planet's past began to crop up, including a range of artefacts washed up on a beach and a cavern that appeared to have an entire settlement buried underground. By the end of their survey, the crew determined that Outré was modified by the Tkon for the aliens who inhabited the planet. Wishing to copy their caretakers, the alien inhabitants attempted to recreate some of the technology used by the Tkon to modify their planet. This resulted in them causing the polar ice caps to melt and high stress on the planet's tectonic plates, creating numerous earthquakes. Their settlements were either buried underground or swept away by huge tides.
One thing the crew found was the location of a Tkon outpost in an old star chart they found in an ancient library computer system. Odyssey soon left the cluster and headed to the area known as The Belt of the Tkon Outreach. This was the designation the inhabitants of Outré had given to the Tkon outpost. The Belt was filled with dangerous anomalies, but the outpost was meant to be in the centre of it. A thick layer of thermobaric clouds, an intense plasma field, a radioactive Mutara class nebula, a dense region of subspace vacuoles and a large type 4 quantum singularity. Intent on finding the Tkon Outpost, Captain McCallister ordered the ship to cross the Belt. Before entering the belt, they rescued a Pendari from being pulled into the Belt. Professor Shu’varn was welcomed on board after he shared he was on a similar quest as the Odyssey to reach the centre of the Belt. During their journey, the crew had to navigate through each barrier and, at one point, was forced to place everyone into stasis to cross the radioactive nebula. At this point, the ship's Emergency Holographic programs were all brought online and supported by the ship's aquatic crew complement, who could survive in its cetacean operations during this leg of the journey. A quantum analysis on the space the ship had to alter course for was conducted by cetacean ops, and the results showed that the numerous course alterations were not random fluctuations. It was hypothesised that something or someone was actually trying to bring the ship into the centre of the Belt a lot quicker. Following the new course heading, the ship arrived in orbit of the planet and did, in fact, find a Tkon outpost. Attempting to help Portal 117 (the guardian of the outpost) to fix the outpost's systems that were malfunctioning, the crew discovered that the outpost was linked to the Vanishing Point network. Portal ended his life, which allowed for Odyssey's team to make repairs, but the system required an organic interface to control it. Professor Shu’varn volunteered and gave up his life to become the new Portal. With access to the Tkon technology, Shu’varn was able to clear a path for the ship to depart.
Before the end of the year, Odyssey explored further unexplored space between the border of the Delta and Beta Quadrants. For several months the crew did not encounter anything until they came across what appeared to be a huge alien derelict vessel. Further investigation discovered it was almost an ark-like ship, where the crew had attempted to survive in stasis tubes. The crew found the survivors to only be the crew’s offspring, all of them children or teenagers. There were no adults on board. After bringing some systems online, the crew found the ship was being protected by a sophisticated AI system in the form of an isomorphic projector based on the captain of the ship’s brain patterns. Captain Jyster’s projection introduced herself to Captain McCallister and requested that the adult population of the Odyssey took over caring for her children that were in stasis on her ship, known as the Quirennal. Not willing to jump into an agreement without knowing more, McCallister attempted to delay, but after Jyster gained full control of her ship, she used its advanced technology to transport a majority of the Odyssey’s adult population over to her ship. After bringing the ship’s powerful coaxial warp drives online, the ship disappeared from sight. Two months later, and with the help of the USS Bellerophon, the crew was finally rescued. In their attempt to escape from the Quirennal, the crew discovered that Captain Jyster had created all of the children using the holographic systems she was made from so that her own sons, who were now the sole remaining survivors of their races known as the Rylsanti, would not be alone. The isomorph of Jyster had sacrificed her entire crew to ensure her sons had survived in stasis. After fleeing from the Quirennal, which had become damaged as part of the escape plan, the Odyssey entered an underspace corridor but was pursued by Jyster in her damaged vessel. As the Quirennal exploded, it somehow pushed the Odyssey to enter into unknown subspace corridors that ended up dumping the ship closer to Federation space. The ship was heavily damaged and was towed back to Starbase Bravo for extensive repairs and refits.
At the start of the 25th century, the crew were all relieved of their duties as they underwent a massive assessment to determine the impact of their imprisonment by trained counsellors and doctors. However, this assessment was cut short, and the repairs to the ship were hastily undertaken so they could assist with relief efforts when the Century Storm hit the Paulson Nebula. During the crisis, Odyssey was hit by a powerful chrono-kinetic surge that ended up splitting the ship in multiple timeframes from across the ship's past and future. Only a select few of the crew from different eras, mainly the senior officers led by the captain, were able to devise a plan (thanks to those from the future timeframes) to restore the ship. During this process, the Telemachus had already left the ship to assist in evacuating a Federation science team. Commander Reyas, who had commanded the Telemachus, had returned to find the Odyssey in a temporal paradox. Hoping to close the subspace rift that caused the surge in the first place, somehow she ended up sacrificing herself and the Telemachus to help those trapped on the Odyssey. Reyas was listed as killed in action after survivors from the Telemachus reported that she had used the Odyssey's ejected warp core (from a different timezone) to close the rift by detonating it. The Odyssey proceeded to assist several convoys leaving the Paulson Nebula before returning to drydock at Starbase Bravo.
The impact of the Century Story Temporal Incursion (the name given to what happened to the Odyssey) had lasting effects on the crew. The Department of Temporal Investigations visited the ship to fully debrief the crew who were involved and to investigate the consequences of the incursion on the timeline. This took several days, but the DTI decided to proceed in preparing elements of the ship and specific crew for what may happen in future events. All of this was completed under the Temporal Prime Directive. The DTI agents were concerned that if certain elements were not prepared for, then the incursion may cause another paradox. Due to the number of possibilities that could arise from it all, each one had to be prepared for. As a result of this, along with the numerous system upgrades needed, Captain McCallister replaced Commander Reyas' vacant role of second officer and chief science officer with someone who had the combined experience of temporal investigations and leading a large science department. Commander Corella Banfield joined the crew to undertake this work. Odyssey soon departed from Starbase Bravo to begin testing these systems. The plan had been to undertake a somewhat shakedown cruise before the ship returned to the Delta Quadrant.
When the Fourth Fleet was ushered to assist the provisional government established in the Velorum Sector after the decline of the Romulan Star Empire, the Odyssey was ordered to assist with the settlement on Vorash. As a planet they had worked on almost a decade and a half ago, Captain McCallister was quite keen to see what help they could provide. After arriving in the system, the ship had to land to determine what had happened after high interference prevented them from scanning the planet or sending a team down via the transporters and shuttlecraft. Eventually, the crew were able to meet with the settlers and soon started to provide aid. This work was disrupted by the Reman population as they were under the impression that the planet will be reclaimed and they would return to a life of slavery. With helpful intel from the Romulan Republic, the crew were able to unmask a Tal Shiar plot to undermine the significant cooperation between the Romulans and Remans that inhabited the Vorash colony. With these matters dealt with, the ship was able to depart, leaving behind a world that was able to return to standing on its own two feet again.
The Odyssey thereafter returned to the Delta Quadrant to resume its mission of exploration in the Gradin Belt. Odyssey was ordered to begin a goodwill tour of the area, developing better relationships with the local powers in the area. Starfleet was keen to establish strong ties with many races to ensure that when further exploration missions of the area took place, Starfleet was in a strong position. The crew opened up trade talks with the government on Quarra, resolved a dispute with the Lokirrim (after a slight altercation between Captain McCallister and an envoy), assisted the Qomar Planetary Alliance in developing their cultural habits with music (this included preventing their leader Prelate Vinkar from stealing the ship's ECH) , met with representatives from the Benkaran and Nygean species and found a way to prevent a religious war from breaking out among the Pendari. The latter was averted after the ship rescued its diplomatic officer from being used as the new Pendari messiah. Furthermore, the ship hosted a state dinner for the Kadi Supreme Abbott. Eventually, the crew would rescue Brenari refugees and discover a hidden world where the Brenari are hiding far from the Devore. While in orbit and providing aid, the crew opened diplomatic talks and eventually developed a strong relationship with its leader, Chief Mayor Adale. During this mission, the ship was pulled into the crisis that hit the Gradin Belt in late 2400, the sudden arrival of Blood Dilithium. This version of the crimson fragments caused havoc among the crew, and this was further hampered by the arrival of a Devore squadron of warships and a baby telepathic pitcher plant. Those telepathic on the crew rose up against Captain McCallister in a mutiny influenced by both the dilithium crystals and the infant space-dwelling bioplasmic organism. McCallister locked heads with his chief engineer, who had taken Henri and Theo hostage. However, with help from the rest of his crew, they were able to resolve the situation and take back control of the ship. In addition, they were able to save over forty-seven thousand Brenari from being taken to Devore detention camps. After returning to the Brenari refugee colony, the ship remained in orbit, providing aid in building further shelters and structures with the Brenari.
The Odyssey rendezvoused with the USS Themis, USS Triton and USS Bellerophon at the Markonian Outpost in early 2401 to form the Odyssey Squadron. Starfleet wanted these ships to go further in their exploration efforts beyond the Gradin Belt. Initially, the interaction between the squadron went extremely well, especially as most of the senior staff were aware of each other. Upon their journey towards the Swallow Nebula region, they detected an active Borg interlink frequency. While mapping a system visited by Voyager briefly, the squadron discovered the crashed remains of a Borg vessel on a moon, and some of its drones had survived. Disconnected from the hive mind, the drones asked for assistance in returning to their lives prior to assimilation. Among the debris of the Borg ship was a spatial trajector. One of the drones attempted to reassert the collective's will and tried to use a stolen shuttle from the Triton to use the trajector. In the end, the Bellerophon destroyed the device with tricobalt devices. However, it resulted in a quarter of the moon being ripped away, causing heavy damage to the Themis and Bellerophon. Though the first mission together resulted in the squadron being damaged, it was deemed a partial success in preventing a Borg drone from being able to become a threat to other worlds and the rescue of the other drones. Turei vessels proceeded to escort the squadron to the nearest underspace aperture to assist in their travels to the Swallow Nebula.
After bypassing the nebula, the squadron began exploring a region known as the Kotaba Expanse. During one mission, an away team from Odyssey was exploring an abandoned Hirogen communication array. By accident, they activated a device that made them unconscious. Subsequently, they were captured by a Kobali trader who thought they were dead. With help from a Benthan they were rescued. This resulted in a hugely successful diplomatic exchange with the Benthans. The Odyssey and Themis had been able to secure an exchange of cultural differences and scientific differences with the Benthans. Furthermore, the squadron signed a provisional commerce deal with them, which included a minor mutual defence agreement. Their mission in the Delta Quadrant was cut short when Starfleet ordered the entire squadron home to the Alpha Quadrant to participate in Frontier Day.
Upon their return, the squadron received some upgrades at Starbase 38, including updates to its transporters. They were then sent to the Black Cluster to patrol near to the Kzinti border. It wasn't long until the Odyssey and the entire squadron were involved in the Dominion Lost Fleet invasion of the Deneb Sector. Initially, the Odyssey was sent to defend Starbase 514, but they received a general distress call from the Federation colony in the Divinum system. Upon arrival, they discovered that the entire population was killed. Further investigation indicated that it was from a metagenic weapon, and with help from elements from the Cardassian Third Order, the squadron began hunting down the ships responsible for the attack. Eventually, they located one of the ships, which was a heavily modified Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser. Working in tandem, they discovered that the Dominion had kidnapped all of the colonists and placed them into transporter suspension. After successfully getting an away team on board the enemy ship, the squadron was able to save the colonists into their own transporter buffers and return them to their home. The Odyssey, with the Themis and Triton, eventually assisted in the defence of Farpoint Station in the last major battle. The ship returned to the Divinum colony to continue with relief efforts thereafter. Once these were completed, they would head to Earth for the upcoming Frontier Day celebrations.
In April of 2401, the Odyssey participated in the Frontier Day celebrations as part of the large fleet formation in orbit of Earth. When the Borg Jupiter signal was transmitted, the ship fell under the control of the Borg Queen, and a majority of the junior crew turned against their comrades. Fleet Captain McCallister attempted to destroy the ship by setting off the auto-destruct sequence, but the computer systems were so badly infected by the Fleet Formation coding that it prevented him from doing so. Instead, the crew attempted to survive while stunning or knocking out those who had been infected. The crew were able to transfer more power into the ship's shields so it could survive the pummelling it received from Spacedock and other orbital defence platforms during the fleet's assault. Unfortunately, some of the crew did lose their lives during this disaster. Consequently, this had a significant toll on the mental well-being of the crew.
Eventually, the Odyssey returned to the Delta Quadrant and returned to its previous exploration exploits within the Swallow Nebula region. While there, the crew discovered the remains of an unfinished Borg transwarp hub within a class nine nebula. The crew developed a plan to bring down the hub, especially when the Malon were caught attempting to take it. The crew succeeded, and the decisive attack ensured that the Malon had no access to the Borg technology.
While visiting an Entharans trading colony, the Odyssey was heavily attacked when, Korvain, one of its richest and most influential business owners wanted to take the Odyssey as part of his trading fleet. Korvain had sabotaged the ship as he feared McCallister would refuse his offer of upgrading the ship with a range of new weapons and other defensive technologies. Korvain had never been told no before as he was always able to buy what he wanted. Though corrupted in his ways, McCallister attempted to tell the Entharan authorities but his warnings were ignored. The damage the ship sustained required it to retreat back to the nebula it had destroyed the Borg transwarp hub in. There it hid until the Themis was able to arrive to provide further support. When an unexpected underspace corridor aperture appeared nearby, one that led back to an area near to the Typhon Frontier, both ships made the decision to return home to seek repairs. The Odyssey was repaired at Deep Space 17 before it was ordered to the Kovar system.
Arriving together at Deep Space 19, the Odyssey and Themis crew discovered that more underspace corridors were opening across the entire galaxy. Once docked at the station, McCallister was promoted to commodore and discovered the Odyssey Squadron was expanded to include four new ships, along with the Themis and Constitution and they were being sent back to the Delta Quadrant to assess the reaction of the opening of underspace. McCallister decided to hand command of the Odyssey over to his first officer, Max Duncan. Once the entire squadron returned to the Swallow Nebula region, close to Krenim space, they discovered a Cardassian force, led by Gul Jacet (who had helped them during the Dominion Lost Fleet invasion earlier in the year). It wasn't long until they found out that the Cardassians were trying to close the apertures opened by the underspace corridors. Unable to stop them, the squadron watch the Cardassians complete their work before they returned to the Alpha Quadrant. As the squadron had returned to its previous position, McCallister took the decision to resume its exploration of the area.
Namesake & Lineage
The Odyssey is named after Greek epic poem [1] attributed to Homer. The name Odyssey has been used in other space exploration programs in the past, including it's use as the call-sign for the Apollo 13[2] command module. There have been five starsships named Odyssey.
- Odyssey (NCC-05) - Daedalus-class cruiser
- 2118-2138 (Decommissioned)
- USS Odyssey (NCC-1293) Walker-class scout
- 2237-2256 (Destroyed)
- USS Odyssey (NCC-2173) - Excelsior Refit-class heavy cruiser
- 2294-2359 (Decommissioned)
- USS Odyssey (NCC-71832) Galaxy-class explorer
- 2363-2370 (Destroyed)
- USS Odyssey (NCC-72503) Sovereign-class exploratory cruiser
- 2371-2387 (Destroyed)
Command Staff
- Commanding Officer:
- Captain James Preston McCallister (Human Male) (2386-2388)
- Commander Zachary Hawkins (Human Male) (2388-2389) (Acting Commanding Officer)
- Captain James Preston McCallister (Human Male) (2389-2399)
- Commander Max Duncan (Human Male) (2399) (Acting Commanding Officer)
- Captain/Fleet Captain James Preston McCallister (Human Male) (2399-2401)
- Captain Max Duncan (Human Male) (2401+)
- Executive Officer:
- Commander Zachary Hawkins (Human Male) (2386-2391)
- Commander Cambil Bexa (Bajoran Female) (2391-2399)
- Commander/Captain Max Duncan-Court (Human Male) (2399-2401)
- Commander Tremt Hunsen (Betazoid Male) (2401+)
- Second Executive Officer:
- Commander Cambil Bexa (Bajoran Female) (2386-2391)
- Commander Karyn Reyas (El-Aurian Female) (2391-2400)
- Commander/Captain Corella Banfield (Human-Klingon Female) (2400-2401)
- Commander Tomaz (Barzan Male) (2401+)
- Third Executive Officer
- Lieutenant Commander/Commander Karyn Reyas (El-Aurian Female) (2386-2391)
- Lieutenant Commander/Commander Max Duncan (Human Male) (2391-2399)
- Commander Tremt Hunsen (Betazoid Male) (2399-2400)
- Lieutenant Commander/Commander Tomaz (Barzan Male) (2400-2401)
- Commander Craigen Flemen (Lumerian Male) (2401+)
Senior Staff/Department Heads
- Chief Diplomatic Officer & Contact Specialist:
- Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander/Commander Max Duncan (Human Male) (2386-2399)
- Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander/Commander Craigen Flemen (Lumerian Male) (2399+)
- Staff Judge-Advocate:
- Lieutenant Commander/Commander Craigen Flemen (Lumerian Male) (2400+)
- Chief Flight Control Officer:
- Chief Strategic Operations Officer:
- Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander/Commander Tomaz (Barzan Male) (2399+)
- Chief Administrative Officer
- Lieutenant Commander/Commander Tobias Duncan-Court (Human Male) (2401+)
- Chief Science Officer:
- Commander Karyn Reyas (El-Aurian Female) (2386-2400)
- Commander/Captain Corella Banfield (Human-Klingon Female) (2400-2401)
- Commander Brianna Reddick (Hysperian Female) (2401+)
- Chief Medical Officer:
- Chief Counsellor:
- Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander/Commander Max Duncan (Human Male) (2386-2399)
- Lieutenant Samris (Romulan Male) (2399-2400)
- Commander/Captain Louwanna Horin (Betazoid Female) (2400+)
- Chief Communications Officer
- Lieutenant Junior Grade Jonarom (Ardanan Male) (2401-2401)
- Chief Engineer:
- Lieutenant Commander Mett dar Lek (Tellarite Male) (2386-2388)
- Lieutenant Judak (Antaran Female) (2388-2389) (Acting Chief Engineer)
- Lieutenant Commander/Commander Tremt Hunsen (Betazoid Male) (2389-2400)
- Lieutenant Commander/Commander Tierra (Deltan Female) (2400+)
- Chief Operations Officer:
- Lieutenant Ky'Limonagutrei (Efrosian Female) (2386-2391)
- Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander/Commander Lukiz Jen (Joined Trill Male) (2391-2401)
- Commander Dalen Marjo (Bajoran Female) (2401+)
- Chief Security & Tactical Officer:
- Commander Cambil Bexa (Bajoran Female) (2386-2391)
- Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander Cline Lenjir (Tiburonian Male) (2391-2400)
- Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander Keli (Coridianite Female) (2400+)
- Starfighter Group Commander
- Lieutenant Commander Rosle (Tandaran Female) (2401+)
- Starfleet Corps of Engineers Unit Leader
- Lieutenant Commander/Commander Reuben Gray (Human/ex-Borg) (2401+)
- Cadet Training Unit Leader
- Commander Carter Westerham (Human Man)* (2400-2401) *discovered to be a Changeling infiltrator during the Frontier Day disaster
- Captain Karyn Reyas (El-Aurian Female) (2401-2401)
- Commander Tobias Duncan-Court (Human Male) (2401-2402)
Other Crew
Command Department
- Command Senior Chief / Senior Chief of Administration:
- Petty Officer 1st Class/Chief Petty Officer/Senior Chief Petty Officer/Master Chief Petty Officer Tobias Duncan-Court (Human Male) (2386-2401)
- Senior Officer of the Watch
- Commander Tobias Duncan-Court (Human Male) (2401+)
Diplomatic Department
- Senior Assistant Chief Diplomatic Officer & Contact Specialist:
- Lieutenant Junior Grade/Lieutenant Craigen Flemen (Lumerian Male) (2396-2399)
- Lieutenant Junior Grade/Lieutenant Jaik Harkan (Risian Male) (2399+)
Flight Control Department
- Senior Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer:
Strategic Operations Department
- Senior Assistant Chief Strategic Operations Officer:
- Lieutenant Junior Grade Shaquia Twnai (Haliian Female) (2399+)
Science Department
- Senior Assistant Chief Science Officer:
- Chief Astrometric Officer:
- Lieutenant Junior Grade/Lieutenant Jaef-Tren (Brikarian Male) (2386+)
- Chief Cetacean Operations Officer:
- Lieutenant/Lieutenant Commander Charlin Quendez (Antedean Male) (2386+)
- Assistant Chief Cetacean Operations Officer:
- Lieutenant Junior Grade/Lieutenant Artir (Aquan Male) (2386+)
Medical Department
- Senior Assistant Chief Medical Officer:
- Lieutenant Junior Grade/Lieutenant Remi Forbes (Human Male) (2386-2400)
- Lieutenant Junior Grade Sarella Corbin (Betazoid Female) (2401-2401)
Counselling Department
- Senior Assistant Chief Counsellor:
Engineering Department
- Senior Assistant Chief Engineer:
- Lieutenant Tierra (Deltan Female) (2389-2400)
- Lieutenant Commander Carter Westerham (Human Male) (2401-2401)
Operations Department
- Senior Assistant Chief Operations Officer:
- Ensign/Lieutenant Junior Grade/Lieutenant Decter Jines (Rutian Male) (2386-2400)
- Lieutenant Junior Grade Oliver Fenton (Human Male) (2401+)
Security & Tactical Department
- Senior Assistant Chief Security & Tactical Officer:
- Lieutenant Cline Lenjir (Tiburon Male) (2386-2391)
- Lieutenant Junior Grade/Lieutenant Keli (Coridianite Female) (2391-2400)
- Lieutenant Jisaraa (Orion Female) (2400-2401)
- Assistant Security & Tactical Officer:
- Ensign/Lieutenant Junior Grade Jisaraa (Orion Female) (2395-2400)
Starfighter Group
- Starfighter Group Deputy Commander:
- Ensign Andar (Phylosian Non-binary) (2401-2401)
Cadet Training Unit
- Training Unit Deputy Leader:
- Commander Jirani Edeena (Bajoran Female) (2401-2401)
- Cadets:
- Cadet Alfie McCallister-Reyas (Son of Fleet Captain McCallister & Captain Reyas) (Human-El-Aurian Male) (2400-2402)
- Cadet Jordan Duncan-Court (Adopted Son of Commander Duncan & Senior Chief Court) (Human Male) (2400-2402)
- Cadet Beatrice Grant (Human Female) (2400-2402)
- Cadet Brook Westerham-Banfield (Son of Captain Banfield & Lieutenant Commander Westerham ) (Human-Klingon Male) (2401-2402)
- Cadet Athena Westerham-Banfield (Daughter of Captain Banfield & Lieutenant Commander Westerham ) (Human-Klingon Female) (2401-2402)
- Cadet Jameel (Son of Commander Tierra & Lieutenant Commander Abbej ) (Deltan-Boslic Male) (2401-2402)
- Cadet Lillia (Daughter of Commander Tierra & Lieutenant Commander Abbej ) (Deltan-Boslic Female) (2401-2402)
- Cadet Scott Florrick (Human Male) (2401-2402)
Starfleet Corps of Engineers Unit
- Starfleet Corps of Engineers Unit Deputy Leader:
- Lieutenant Commander Jayshon (Tamarian Male) (2401-2401)
Civilian Members
- Theodore McCallister-Reyas (Son of Commodore McCallister & Captain Reyas) (Human-El-Aurian Male) - left in 2401
- Henri McCallister-Reyas (Son of Commodore McCallister & Captain Reyas) (Human-El-Aurian Male) - left in 2401
- William Duncan-Court (Adopted Son of Captain Duncan & Commander Court) (Human Male) - left in 2402
- S'Tem (Adopted Son of Commander Tomaz) (Romulan Male)
- Auditorium Lounge Manager: Remi Goldman (Human Male)
- Principal: Jinna-Chiva (Grazerite Female)
- Teacher: Clara Goldman (Human Female)
- Duke Goldman (Son of Remi and Clara Goldman) (Human Male)
- Astrology Specialist: Professor Mettex (Husband of Doctor Slyvexs) (Denobulan Male)