Sirius Squadron

From Bravo Fleet

Sirius Expeditionary Squadron, also known as Sirius Squadron, is a squadron of the Fourth Fleet centered around the Odyssey-class USS Sirius and headquartering at Gateway Station in the Midgard Sector, on the Federation’s Beta Quadrant frontier. The squadron is led by Commodore Matt Rourke, who reports to the Commander of the Midgard Sector, Vice Admiral Owen Morgan.

Sirius Squadron is organized into two specialized formations: the Expeditionary Unit, tasked with operations beyond Federation borders and serving as the primary response unit for emergent threats, and the Midgard Sector Operations Unit, which is dedicated to safeguarding and advancing Federation interests in the Midgard Sector.

The Expeditionary Unit stands ready to deploy at a moment's notice to respond to developments across the galaxy. Outside of such events, it is headquartered at Gateway. The unit provides support to Midgard Sector operations, but patrols and explores further outside of Federation territory in former RSE and RNZ regions. At present, the unit also provides substantial aid to the Romulan Republic in reinforcing against possible threat from the Klingon Empire.

The Sector Operations Unit is based directly out of Gateway Station and upholds Federation interests and regional stability in the Midgard Sector. This includes diplomatic and humanitarian operations as well as border patrol and law enforcement. Increased colony expansion in, and potentially beyond, the Federation border and the encroaching threat of the Klingon Empire have placed further demands on the unit. The unit also conducts survey and research missions outside of Federation space, with the Neutral Zone and former Romulan territory one of the most under-explored areas of the galaxy within mere light-years of the border.

Since its formation in 2400, the squadron has been at the forefront of some of the Fourth Fleet's most urgent situations of the 25th century, including the Lost Fleet crisis of 2401. It is assigned directly to Fourth Fleet Operations and not one of the fleet's task forces, though is often favoured by Director of Fourth Fleet Intelligence Admiral Alexander Beckett for special assignments.

Staff and Leadership

In addition to starship commanders, Sirius Squadron has an established staff of key officers in leadership positions and providing essential squadron support.

  • Commander, Midgard Sector: Vice Admiral Owen Morgan
  • Squadron Commander: Commodore Matt Rourke
    • Deputy Commander: Fleet Captain Addison Faust
    • Midgard Unit Commander: Fleet Captain Lionel Jericho
    • Squadron Science Officer: Captain Elara Galcyon
    • Squadron Strategic Operations Officer: Commander Harrian Cal
    • Squadron Starfleet Corps of Engineers Unit Leader: Commander Isabela Cortez
    • Squadron JAG Officer: Commander Gabriel Hawthorne
  • Diplomatic Corps Mission Leader: Ambassador Sophia Hale

Command History

  • January 2400 - January 2401: Captain Matt Rourke
  • January 2401 - March 2401: Fleet Captain Lionel Jericho
  • March 2401 - Present: Commodore Matt Rourke


Expeditionary Unit

USS Sirius
Odyssey-class Heavy Explorer
Squadron Flagship Commodore Matt Rourke
Squadron Commander
USS Alhabor
Aquarius-class Escort
Flagship Embarked Escort Commander Zihan Shepherd
Flagship Executive Officer
USS Redemption
Sovereign-class Exploratory Cruiser
Tactical Operations Fleet Captain Addison Faust
Deputy Squadron Commander
USS Blackbird
Osler-class Scout
Special Operations & Investigations Commander Hal Cassidy
USS Endeavour
Constitution III-class Explorer
Multi-Mission Rapid Response Captain Karana Valance
USS Liberty
Sagan-class Light Explorer
Science and Exploration Captain Elara Galcyon
Squadron Science Officer
USS Scylla
Manticore-class Heavy Escort
Interdiction and Escort Captain Teodor Borodin
USS Swiftsure
Echelon-class Light Cruiser
Engineering Support Captain T'Varel
USS Tempest
Rhode Island-class Scout
Reconnaissance Captain Augustus Tycho
USS Trafalgar
Akira-class Heavy Cruiser
Support Carrier Captain Taviel Daragon

Midgard Sector Operations Unit

Gateway Station
Spacedock-class Starbase
Squadron Headquarters Fleet Captain Lionel Jericho
Unit Commander
USS Asger
Norway-class Light Cruiser
Diplomacy and Humanitarian Operations Commander Krish Malhotra
USS Constantinople
Steamrunner-class Light Cruiser
Patrol Commander Thabo Xhakaza
USS Independence
Defiant-class Escort
Escort and Patrol Commander Ramius Vornar
USS Ranger
Intrepid-class Light Explorer
Research and Survey Vessel Commander Juliette Yves


  • December 2399: Diplomatic Corps official Sophia Hale begins a mission to improve Federation relations with factions of the former Romulan Neutral Zone through local diplomacy, humanitarian aid, and cooperation with major Romulan governments. The USS Endeavour, Manticore-class, is the chosen Starfleet platform for this mission before her sudden decommissioning.
  • 2400: After the commissioning of the USS Endeavour NCC-91895, joint operations between Starfleet and the Diplomatic Corps resume.
    • June: Endeavour and the Diplomatic Corps participate in shoring up newly-independent Romulan worlds after the collapse of the Star Empire of Rator, participating in Operation: Sundered Wings in Agarath in the Velorum Sector.
    • December: Endeavour Squadron is established as a Starfleet formation under the command of Fleet Captain Jericho, commanding from the USS Triumph. The USS Pathfinder, Nighthawk, and Independence are added to the unit.
  • 2401:
    • January-February: Endeavour Squadron shores up operations on the Romulan border, prioritising defence of Federation territory and interests.
    • March: The Dominion Lost Fleet invades the Deneb Sector. Endeavour Squadron is charged with liberating the Izar System.
      • Manipulations of a Changeling infiltrator impersonating Independence CO Commander Vornar sow dissent among the squadron's command staff.
      • After disobeying orders to protect a task unit of the Cardassian Third Order, Captain Rourke (USS Endeavour) is relieved of command and arrested.
      • Fleet Captain Jericho launches the assault on Izar despite depleted ranks of ships and personnel. The result is calamitous, with the USS Nighthawk heavily damaged and suffering catastrophic losses.
      • Upon uncovering of the Changeling infiltrator, Captain Rourke assumes command of the USS Independence and reinforcements from the USS Pathfinder and Cardassian Third Order. Timely arrival at Izar saves the battle and the system is liberated.
    • April: An inquiry begins into the command breakdown in Deneb. Pathfinder, Nighthawk and Triumph are transferred out of the unit.
      • Frontier Day disrupts the inquiry at Avalon Fleet Yards and decimates Starfleet's command-level officers. Fleet Captain Jericho assumes responsibility for the disaster at Izar. Cleared of wrong-doing, Matt Rourke is promoted to Commodore and given command of the unit.
      • Endeavour Squadron is attached to Gateway Station in the Midgard Sector. USS Swiftsure, Redemption and Ranger are assigned.
    • June: Resurgent Borg activity affects the Midgard Sector, with a Cube breaking up in transwarp, scattering debris across the region. The squadron mobilises to locate debris, shut down the operations of the black market trading Borg technology, and identify the Cube's original mission.
    • August: The disappearance of Chancellor Martok is investigated by the USS Endeavour. Nothing conclusive is found. Squadron commander Matt Rourke, Endeavour CO Karana Valance, and Ambassador Sophia Hale are present on Qo'noS when Toral, son of Duras, ascends to the Chancellorship.
      • The USS Sirius is assigned to the squadron, serving as Commodore Rourke's flagship. With the new lead ship, the unit is redesignated 'Sirius Squadron.' The USS Liberty and Tempest are also assigned.
    • September: Underspace tunnels across the galaxy open. Sirius Squadron responds to the crisis.
      • Endeavour is pulled through Underspace and stranded in the Delta Quadrant, engaging Hirogen hunters.
      • Sirius and Liberty undertake rescue and exploration operations. Liberty ultimately locates and rescues the missing Endeavour. Sirius encounters a Cardassian operation to close Underspace, but is unsuccessful in stymying their efforts.
    • November: Asger, Blackbird, Constantinople, Scylla, and Trafalgar are assigned to the squadron.