USS Trafalgar

From Bravo Fleet
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The USS Trafalgar (NCC-75180) is an Akira-class heavy cruiser assigned to the Fourth Fleet. As part of Sirius Squadron, the Trafalgar support the formation's operations with its large complement of auxiliary craft. This retinue of worker bees, shuttles, runabouts, and fighters is adjusted to meet any mission's parameters, and enables the Trafalgar to provide flight support to any other ship of the squadron, or respond to emerging situations in her own right. An older craft, with the Akira-class's value to Starfleet fading in the 25th century, the Trafalgar acts as the squadron's 'workhorse' in the field, more hardy than the frigates and patrol craft such as the Constantinople or Asger, but less specialised and resource-intensive than the larger capital ships.

Notable Crew

Commanding Officers