Starfleet Flag Officers

From Bravo Fleet
(Redirected from Vice Admiral)
This article is official Bravo Fleet canon.

Federation Faction Starfleet

Starfleet Flag Officers are the senior-most Starfleet officers, so-named for the old Earth naval tradition of hoisting a command flag to designate the lead ship in a group of ships, the flagship. Flag Officers in Starfleet command groups of ships (from task groups to entire fleets) and important starbases, and also serve in staff roles at various levels of the Starfleet hierarchy. There are five flag officer ranks.

Fleet Admiral

Fleet Admiral Kirsten Clancy
Fleet Admiral Kirsten Clancy is the current Commander, Starfleet, and one of the few fleet admirals on active duty.
Fleet Admiral is the highest rank in Starfleet, held by an extremely select few, including the Commander-in-Chief, the Chief of Starfleet Operations, the Starfleet Chief of Staff, and the most senior commanders of the most important Numbered Fleets. Promotion to this rank requires a nomination by the President of the United Federation of Planets and confirmation by the Federation Council. As a matter of course, only members of the Command Division are ever promoted to this rank. As a title, "fleet admiral" can also refer to an admiral in command of a fleet, and so it is often used to refer to admirals and vice admirals.
Notable Fleet Admirals
Name Position Species Status
Fleet Admiral Kirsten Clancy Commander-in-Chief, Starfleet Human Canon
Fleet Admiral Teylas Ramar Commander, Fourth Fleet Bolian Member
Fleet Admiral Elizabeth Wolf Flag Officer, Starfleet Command Human Member


Admiral Jean-Luc Picard is the current Chancellor of Starfleet Academy, and one of the most experienced and decorated Starfleet officers in history.
Admiral is the second most senior flag rank, held by many of the Starfleet Joint Chiefs, who head fleet-level departments, as well as the commanders and deputy commanders of many of Starfleet's numbered fleets. Officers of this rank also are occasionally assigned to command extremely important starbases or sectors within the Federation.
Notable Admirals
Name Position Species Status
Admiral Jean-Luc Picard Chancellor, Starfleet Academy Synthetic Canon
Admiral Liam Dahlgren Deputy Commander, Fourth Fleet Human Member
Admiral Vailis Commanding Officer, Starbase 38

Director, Delta Exploration Initiative

Vulcan Fleet NPC

Vice Admiral

Alynna Nechayev is an example of a vice admiral who was referred to as a fleet admiral, as she commanded a fleet.
Vice Admiral is the third most senior flag officer rank and it is held by officers in a wide range of positions, ranging from the command of smaller fleets to large starbases to departments within Starfleet Command. Vice admirals are often assigned as very senior field commanders, such as Vice Admiral William Ross who had operational control over much of Starfleet's assets during the Dominion War.
Notable Vice Admirals
Name Position Species Status
Vice Admiral Alexander Beckett Director of Fourth Fleet Intelligence Human Member
Vice Admiral Thomas Belvedere Commanding Officer, Starbase Bravo Human Member
Vice Admiral Robert Dowd Director of Fourth Fleet Communications Human Member
Vice Admiral Elizabeth Hayden Commandant, Fourth Fleet Academy Human Member
Vice Admiral Aubrey Seagraves Flag Officer, Fourth Fleet Command Human Member

Rear Admiral

Rear Admiral Erik Pressman was a former starship captain who advanced to the upper echelons of Starfleet Intelligence.
Rear Admiral is the fourth most senior flag officer rank, and the first rank referred to as "admiral." Officers with this rank are much more common than more senior flag officers, and they hold a wide variety of roles across the fleet, but especially commanding starbases or divisions of numbered fleets.
Notable Rear Admirals
Name Position Species Status
Rear Admiral Zack Marshall-Bennett Director of Fourth Fleet Operations Human Member
Rear Admiral Ezel Virem Director of Fourth Fleet Engineering Trill (Unjoined) Member
Rear Admiral T'Vrell Staff Judge Advocate, Fourth Fleet Vulcan Member


General Nedar of the Romulan Tal Shiar and Zhat Vash successfully infiltrated Starfleet Intelligence and rose to the rank of commodore under the assumed name Oh, but was exposed in 2399.
Commodore is the lowest flag officer rank, ranking above all line officers and beneath all admirals. This is the last rank at which an officer may regularly maintain the command of a starship, though this is increasingly rare in Starfleet. Officers of this rank are also senior task force commanders, staff officers within numbered fleets and at Starfleet Command, as well as the commanding officer of a majority of Starfleet's large starbases, which also gives them authority over the sector of space containing their base.
Notable Commodores
Name Position Species Status
Commodore Maxwell Stafford Chief of Staff, Fourth Fleet Human Member
Commodore Uzoma Ekwueme Commander, Fourth Fleet Expeditionary Group Human Fleet NPC
Commodore Py'Tellan Commanding Officer, Deep Space 17 Tyrellian Task Force NPC
Commodore Aben Ch'Thobar Commanding Officer, Deep Space 47 Andorian Task Force NPC
Commodore Jalian Commanding Officer, Starbase 72 Saurian Task Force NPC
Commodore Imya Jori Commander, Task Force 93 Trill Member
Commodore Ciffao Tharc Commanding Officer, Starbase 86 Tellarite Task Force NPC
Commodore Ethysaan Ch'chirrit Commanding Officer, Starbase 93 Andorian Task Force NPC

Flag Officers In-Play

  • There are several fleet and task force-level supporting characters (NPCs) available for use in your stories. Each task force has a commodore NPC, and RPGs have access to one of their own. The purpose of these characters is to provide you a way of giving your characters orders without needing to ask for joint writing with a staff member, though you're welcome to ask other members to collaborate in that way too! This is meant to help you avoid creating your own flag officers (unless you have flag rank yourself) and to maintain continuity of the organization of the Fourth Fleet.
  • Flag officers generally do not command starships, especially those ranking above commodore. Their flagships would be commanded by a flag captain, often a relatively junior captain who would handle the day-to-day administrative responsibilities of commanding a starship, but taking their orders directly from the flag officer.