Lilia Noras

From Bravo Fleet

Lilia Noras is a diplomat and negotiator working for House Starling.


A professional among professionals, Lilia Noras is known for her always-on approach to negotiations. She speaks frankly and honestly, but her goal is always to arrange any situation to the benefit of her liege-lady and Betazed as a whole, and she will be utterly without mercy in the pursuit of that goal. There are some Betazoids who avoid using their telepathic abilities for advantage when encountering aliens. Noras is not one of them, and will take full advantage of the fact that she nearly always knows what all other parties in a negotiation need, what they can offer, and how strong they thing their position is for her own ends.

When mediating conflicts that do not directly involve House Starling, she is similarly focused, wielding her telepathic and oratory gifts to slice through the layers of posturing and the polite fictions to come to the core of matters efficiently. This rarely earns her friends, but her skill is usually sufficient to allow her to wield parties' dislike of her to help them find common ground.

Outside work, she is affable and pleasant, with a deep appreciation for alien snacks and spectator sports. When she has access to holodecks, she will often invite her hosts to participate in these things with her. It is said that she has standing appointments for baseball games and hot dogs with the heads of three Klingon houses.

She is unmarried, and has a habit of finding lovers as she travels on behalf of her Matriarch, though she maintains a strict policy against sleeping with anyone involved in a negotiation she is working on.