Deep Space 2

From Bravo Fleet
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Deep Space 2 is a Unity-class Federation starbase currently assigned to Fourth Fleet. Starfleet uses the base primarily to maintain the Federation's borders with the Gorn Hegemony, deploying a small, outdated fleet of vessels that constantly patrol between Deep Space 2 and the Cestus system.

Design & Layout




Deep Space 2 is one of the oldest stations in the Federation's history in terms of location and longevity. The moniker has been passed on several times. However, the station itself has been replaced several times over the years through modernization programs.

The Original Station

The first Deep Space 2 was built shortly after the founding of the Federation in 2172 in orbit of the uninhabited, M-class fourth planet of the Tormerac system. It was notable at the time for being only the second starbase, only after Deep Space 1 itself, built outside of the core Federation territories of the four founding members. It indeed encapsulated the moniker of a 'Deep Space' station at the time by being a far-flung frontier station. The original design mirrored that of many of the early starbases and was part of the Tucker-class starbase line.
The original Deep Space 2, built in 2172.

After its commissioning, the station went on to be heavily involved in exploration along the much more expansive Klingon border. Deep Space 2 was the primary resupply station and the last safe haven for many Starfleet vessels departing for the great unknown beyond the safety of Federation space. Additionally, the station also found itself under siege numerous times over the years by various enemies of the Federation and continued to repel those aggressors.

However, as the Federation continued its expansion, by 2204 Deep Space 2 was no longer a frontier starbase resupplying deep space vessels but was rather a bastion of Federation strength in the area of dozens of blossoming colonies.

The Replacement

By the time the Fleet Standardization Program of the 2260s began, Deep Space 2 was already nearly 100 years old and in a tactically unsound position due to its age. The decision was made to shut down the station and use it for raw materials to build a brand new Deep Space 2 directly next to it as a brand new Watchtower-class station.

The Current Station

Notable Crew

Commanding Officers