USS Ulysses (NCC-78242)

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[[Category:Task Force 72]]

"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. "
    —Confucius - Ship's Dedication Quote

A symbol of elegance from an age of peaceful exploration and scientific endeavour, a presence never to be scoffed at or underestimated, Ulysses is a vessel of legend. Wherever she goes, stories of her greatness are sure to follow. Like her Galaxy-kin, Ulysses has been involved in first, second and third contact missions with hundreds, if not thousands of species since her commissioning in the 2360's. Treaties have been forged between countless implacable enemies on her decks. In the bloodiest of conflicts for many a century, with the fate of the entire Alpha Quadrant on their shoulders, she fought without loss. Whilst age now limits her kind to less than forty travelling the stars, her space frame no longer under construction and the final of her scheduled major refits having concluded, Ulysses, like the rest of her class, remains a posting of prestige, of desire. Captains and crew members alike plead for a chance to walk her hallowed halls and to sit at the heart of her bridge.

USS Ulysses is currently assigned to the Fourth Fleet under the command of Captain Tharia sh'Elas. Serving along the Federation-Romulan border as part of Task Force 72's diplomatic initiative, Ulysses finds herself conducting missions of vital importance in a volatile area of space following the collapse of the Star Empire of Rator and the emergence of dozens of new regimes.

Key Historical Data

2377-2389: The Ison Bale Years

One of the last Galaxy-class starships to be constructed, Starfleet had hoped that the the Ulysses would be complete in time to play a part in the Dominion War, but with the construction teams unable to complete the installation of many key systems in time, she was forced to sit on the sidelines whilst the conflict played out. She was eventually launched to much fanfare in 2377 under the command of Captain Ison Bale.

Finally in command of a much-vaunted explorer, Bale was charged with leading the Ulysses crew on a ten-year odyssey deep into the Alpha Quadrant, a mission of peaceful exploration which reiterated the Federation's commitment to their core mandate. During her voyage, Ulysses was able to demonstrate the full potential for independent, unsupported exploratory endeavors that ships of her lineage were capable of at long last.

Participating in several dozen first contact missions beyond the borders of Federation space, Ulysses was often considered a choice assignment under Bale's command. When the supernova disaster loomed over the Romulan Star Empire in the 2380's, many vessels found themselves recalled to participate in Admiral Picard's rescue armada, or to patrol borders and prepare for the worst, but not Ulysses. Instead, Captain Bale and the crew of the Ulysses were permitted to continue with their highly important mission, even more critically after the destruction of Mars in 2385 when many in Starfleet urged for a more inward looking focus. It was only upon the natural conclusion of their teny year mission that Ulysses finally returned to a much changed Federation space.

It was this change in focus for Starfleet that saw an end to Captain Bale's command of the Ulysses. Upon returning from some much needed shoreleave, Bale learned that his ship would not be returning to deep space, but would instead be serving as the focal point of the Fifth Fleet's defensive mission along the Romulan border. This was not a mission he felt suited his talents, or that of his crew, and he opted to move on from command of the Ulysses, leaving the crew in limbo for a short time.

2389-2400: The Decade In Between

During a decade where Starfleet's focus was drawn away from her original mandate of peaceful exploration and scientific discovery, the Ulysses crew did their best to stick to the old ways. Even with three commanding officers and a variety of missions pulling the ship away from their mandate and the first contact missions of old, the crew were still able to participate in dozens of second and third contact missions of significant priority. Despite undergoing a final round of refits in the early 2390's to ensure she remained on of Starfleet's premier all-round explorers, the crew knew that Ulysses's time was numbered. She would soon be supplanted in the key areas of diplomatic, tactical, and scientific abilities by the Odyssey, Sovereign, and Century-class ships respectively. But that was for then, this was for now. Making the most of upgrades to her bioneural computer systems, ship-wide holographic projectors, and enhanced tactical systems, Ulysses was eventually requisitioned by Commodore Sebastian Farrell at the turn of the century for a special mission.

Early 2400: Fallen Empire

In the aftermath of a catastrophic coup on the new Romulan homeworld of Rator, large swathes of Romulan territories declared their independence from the empire, surging forth on a path to self-sufficiency and self-determination. Starfleet dispatched the Fourth Fleet to the Romulan border with invitations to support the people of these worlds in their quest for freedom from oppression. One such world, Kunhri_III, had been a heavily industrialised world, long-reliant on food shipments from beyond the sector to feed its large workforce populace. On the eve of the Star Navy coup, Romulan overseers had stripped the planet’s refineries of key technologies that caused all infrastructure to shutdown. With no alternative, the planet's rulers called for Federation assistance.

In response to the call for aid, Starfleet dispatched a small task group to the Kunhri system. On the face of it, the task group was a kitbash of random vessels, but each had been specifically chosen with a purpose to fulfil. The Anthropology team aboard the Springfield-class USS Dvorak had been dispatched to assist the people of Kunhri III with food security in the absence of food distribution from the Star Empire, while the Inquiry-class ‘pocket battleship’ known as the Temeraire provided the muscle for the task group, serving as the strategic operations command center for the expedition. Joining the party a little later, Ulysses arrived at Kunhri with Commodore Farrell looking for someone in particular. He found that someone aboard the Temeraire.

Reuniting with his longtime friend and former executive officer aboard the USS Santa Fe, Captain Tharia sh'Elas, the Commodore made it clear that he needed people that he could trust for a sensitive mission. The government on Kunhri had been scheduled to receive a shipment of supplies from their friends at Psi Velorum, but the convoy had been halted in the Opra system, with forces loyal to the Romulan Navy preventing the convoy from going anywhere. Seconded to the ship for the duration of the mission, Captain sh'Elas and her crew from the Temeraire made the Ulysses their home throughout the negotiations for the supplies, and the subsequent convoy trip through the dangerous Velorum nebula.

Upon the successful completion of their mission, Captain and crew were prepared to return to the Temeraire when they were presented with an alternative; remain as the new, permanent command crew of the Ulysses. For sh'Elas it was not even a choice. A child of the 'Galaxy lineage', having spent some nineteen years aboard different vessels of the family group, the Andorian jumped at the chance to command such a prestigious posting as Ulysses. Like the Captain, her crew (somewhat surprisingly) rejected the chance to return to the far newer Temeraire in order to stay aboard the far more luxurious, far more prestigious vessel. With her new command crew in place, the ship returned to Federation space upon the completion of her mission and spent the next few weeks above Trill, until a development would occur, one that would shake the crew to their core.

Mid 2400: Diplomatic Overtures

Reassigned to Task Force 72 of the Fourth Fleet, the Ulysses was ordered to return to Romulan space as part of the group's diplomatic initiative, tasked with conducting first contact missions throughout the independent regions. But nothing is ever as it seems...

Key Personnel Data

At 42 decks, housing over 1,000 personnel from no less than 73 different species and member states of the Federation and beyond, some of the ship’s more notable crew include:

Commanding Officer: Captain Tharia sh'Elas (Andorian Female)
Executive Officer: Commander Vasoch Gor (Tellarite Male)
Chief Tactical Operations Officer: Lieutenant Commander Noli Auru (Bajoran Female)
Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant Commander Zinn (Deltan Male)
Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant Akaria Okan (Risian Female)
Chief Tactical Operations Officer: Lieutenant Noli Auru (Bajoran Female)
Chief Operations Officer: Lieutenant Linn Mora (Bolian Male)
Chief Engineering Officer: Lieutenant Prida Rala (Bajoran-Cardassian Hybrid Female)
Counsellor: Lieutenant J.G. Vittoria Chiera (Betazoid Female)
Chief Flight Operations Officer: Lieutenant J.G. Henry Mitchell (Terran Male)

Key Location Data

With over 40 decks, the ship has hundreds of rooms and locations that serve a variety of purposes for the crew. Some of the more notable locations include:

Deck 1: Bridge, Briefing Room, Ready Room
Deck 2: Captain's Quarters, XO's Quarters, XO's Office
Deck 4: Shuttlebay 1, Cargo Bay 1, Cargo Bay 2
Deck 6: Transporter Rooms 1-2, Guest/VIP Quarters, Primary Computer Core Level 2
Deck 7: Senior Officer's Quarters, Gymnasium, Child Care Center, School, Crew/Civilian Quarters (B)
Deck 8 (Saucer/Stardrive Separation Begins): Battle Bridge
Deck 9: Environmental Controls
Deck 10: The Wayward Traveller Crew Lounge (Saucer)
Deck 11: Primary SIF/IDF Generators, Holodecks 1-4, Saucer Impulse Engines
Deck 12: Primary Sickbay (Saucer), auxiliary Sickbay (Stardrive)
Deck 13: Stellar Cartography (Saucer), Astrophysics (Stardrive)
Deck 16 (Saucer/Stardrive Separation Ends): Arboretum (Stardrive), Captain's Yacht (Saucer)
Deck 22: Crew/Civilian Quarters (E)
Deck 23: Main Impulse Engines
Deck 26: Phaser Training Range, Chief Security Officer's Office, Brig
Deck 28: Deuterium Injectors
Deck 35: Main Engineering Upper Access
Deck 36: Main Engineering, Chief Engineer's Office, Engineering Labs
Deck 37: Main Engineering Lower Access
Deck 38: Cargo Bay 3
Deck 39: Cargo Bay 4
Deck 42: Tractor Beam Emitter, Warp Core Ejection Hatch