Valhalla Squadron

From Bravo Fleet

Valhalla Squadron is a formation of ships under the command of Captain Aoife McKenzie and centered around the USS Valhalla, a Prometheus Class heavy escort. The Valhalla Squadron is part of Task Force 86.


In response to the appearance of the Dominion Lost Fleet Captain McKenzie formed the squadron in March of 2401with an old acquaintance from the USS Denver. Both women had served on that ship during the Dominion War.

At Arkan II the USS Andromeda was heavily damaged after a Changeling infiltrator sabotaged the torpedoe system and escaped with the fleeing Jem’Hadar fighters. The Squadron held its ground against a Dominion attack fleet with help from a small group of Klingon and Romulan forces. This victory was a major blow to the Lost Fleet as they had lost a valuable souce of the raw material needed in manufacturing Ketracel-white.

Squadron Composition

As of 2401 the Valhalla Squadron is compromised of two ships.