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== Support Craft ==
== Support Craft ==
[[File:NewAtlanticRunabout2.jpg|thumb|The ''Oceanus Procellarum'' on an away mission to a frozen moon orbiting Cyclops further away than New Java.]]
Overwatch Station has a complement of six [[New Atlantic Class|''New Atlantic''-class runabouts]] assigned to the station on a permanent basis. All six of these craft are named for lunar maria (a.k.a lunar seas) from Earth's moon. They are the station's primary line of defense and enhance its scientific capabilities. Two of them are used on a regular basis for long-distance missions to help calibrate the Daren Subspace Telescope Array. The crew commonly refer to them by the equivalent Federation Standard word.
Overwatch Station has a complement of six [[New Atlantic Class|''New Atlantic''-class runabouts]] assigned to the station on a permanent basis. All six of these craft are named for lunar maria (a.k.a lunar seas) from Earth's moon. They are the station's primary line of defense and enhance its scientific capabilities. Two of them are used on a regular basis for long-distance missions to help calibrate the Daren Subspace Telescope Array. The crew commonly refer to them by the equivalent Federation Standard word.

Revision as of 19:34, 26 December 2022

[[Category:Jupiter-class research station-class]]

Deep Space 404, code-named Overwatch Station, is a Federation Jupiter-class research station located on the extreme spinward edge of Federation space coreward of the Romulan Free State and near the Talvath Cluster. Operating under the auspices of Starfleet Stellar Cartography, this station is the control facility for the Daren Subspace Radio Telescope Array, currently being built by the Starfleet Corps of Engineers to study the Talvath Cluster. This all-Starfleet facility orbits New Java (Zeta Asteropes IIIA), an uninhabited O-class moon being considered for possible Cetacean colonization which, in turn, orbits Cyclops, a class-J gas giant with a circular eternal storm at the equator. The station’s presence, though well within Federation space, is a point of contention between the Federation and the Romulan Free State, as the Tal’Shiar believe the subspace telescope could easily be used to spy on Romulan worlds.


Overwatch Station

Overwatch Station itself is a standard two-stack Jupiter-class research station equipped with sufficient habitation space for the engineers constructing the Daren Array and for the scientists studying the Talvath Cluster and the oceans of New Java. It sits just inside New Java’s unusually powerful magnetic field, which shields it from the intense radiation generated by the gas giant. This position makes it impossible to approach the station from outside the system without raised shields and it was chosen specifically to hamper the ability of cloaked Romulan vessels to reach the station. The station itself is also equipped with powerful shields, but it is not armed. Overwatch Station was towed into position in segments and came online in early 2400.

Daren Subspace Radio Telescope Array

Construction on the Daren Subspace Radio Telescope Array (“the Daren Array”) began in 2400 and is projected to last through 2405. It is intended to collect information about the Talvath Cluster. The array is approximately 20% complete and is already beginning to collect data. Similar to the Argus Array in basic function, the Daren Array takes advantage of unique subspace properties in the Zeta Asteropes system to enhance its total overall resolution. The array is in polar stationary orbit “above” Cyclops and maintains its control linkage to Overwatch Station through a network of small satellites which keep themselves in position for line-of-sight transmissions between the two structures. The station is fully automated.

Zeta Asteropes System

The Zeta Asteropes system consists of a G-type yellow star and three planets. Zeta Asteropes I and II are molten terrestrial worlds orbiting at .1 and .2 AUs respectively. Zeta Asteropes III, nicknamed Cyclops, is a large class-J gas giant with several dozen moons. The largest of these moons, Zeta Asteropes IIIA, is nicknamed New Java and is an uninhabited but life-sustaining class-O ocean world. Starfleet and the Federation are evaluating this world’s potential for colonization by Cetaceans and other aquatic species, as it is less than 1% land by area. Overwatch regularly sends away teams to the planet to collect samples and an entire saucer of the station is devoted to studying the moon.

Support Craft

The Oceanus Procellarum on an away mission to a frozen moon orbiting Cyclops further away than New Java.

Overwatch Station has a complement of six New Atlantic-class runabouts assigned to the station on a permanent basis. All six of these craft are named for lunar maria (a.k.a lunar seas) from Earth's moon. They are the station's primary line of defense and enhance its scientific capabilities. Two of them are used on a regular basis for long-distance missions to help calibrate the Daren Subspace Telescope Array. The crew commonly refer to them by the equivalent Federation Standard word.

  • USS Mare Cognitum — "The Knowledge" — Research
  • USS Mare Imbrium — "The Fire" — Patrol
  • USS Mare Insularum — "The Islands" — Patrol
  • USS Mare Serenitatis — "The Serenity" — Telescope Calibration
  • USS Mare Tranquillitatis — "The Tranquility" — Telescope Calibration
  • USS Oceanus Procellarum — "The Storms" — General Purpose