USS Givens

From Bravo Fleet
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"Inset quote here."
    —Quote Author - Ship's Dedication Quote

The USS Givens (NCC-60973) is an Steamrunner-class Federation starship serving in the Fourth Fleet's Task Force 17 flagship since 2401.

Operating primarily out of the task force's headquarters at Deep Space 17 in the Typhon Frontier, Givens provides quick response support to Starfleet ships attached to Task Force 17 operations.

In Play

  • As a support ship in Task Force 17, Givens is often available to provide..... TBC

USS Givens Command Crew

Commanding Officer, Commander Shivni

Shivni is a Starfleet commander who has recently assumed the centre chair for her first assignment as a commanding officer.



Recent Events


Corbin In-Play

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