USS Mercy

From Bravo Fleet
Revision as of 00:44, 7 September 2024 by Leah (talk | contribs)

The USS Mercy (NCC-58926) is an Olympic-class Federation starship currently assigned to the Fourth Fleet's Task Force 93 under the Command of Captain Melanie Haynes. The Mercy serves as a medical ship providing humanitarian assistance to a large number of patients near hotspots around the galaxy.

Mission Parameters

Service History

Design and Layout

As a medical ship, the USS Mercy has hospital facilities on the primary hull, including a standard sickbay located near the center, equipped with an EMH and substantial supplies. This means that all crew quarters are situated in the secondary hull, which means that crew comfort wasn’t kept in mind when designing the medical variant of the Olympic class. Near the neck of the ship, located directly forward of the transporter room, as well as the shuttlebay complex, holds the triage facility. This is to provide triage to patients more effectively before they are sent to the correct wards, whether intensive, intermediate, or limited care.

The Mercy is also equipped with a dozen holodecks and two dozen holosuites. When situations arise, they can be used as medical facilities. This includes the multiple lounges, the arboretum, gymnasia, and even the library. The corridors are vast and can accommodate gurneys. While the Mercy is an older ship, it has recently been upgraded to use full-ship holographic projectors, which can be used to turn the cargo bays into medical facilities. This is to help the crew deal with extended periods in space while dealing with a crisis needing more patients.

Crew of the Mercy

Captain Melanie Haynes

Commander Markian Maree

In Play