Science Office Policy

From Bravo Fleet

The Science Office Policy governs the operation of the Science Office, which includes maintenance of the Bravo Fleet Wiki and Map.

1.0 Introduction

The Science Office is responsible for maintaining the Bravo Fleet Wiki and the Bravo Fleet Map in order to support an accurate recording of the history and development of Bravo Fleet canon.

2.0 Bravo Fleet Wiki

  1. The wiki shall be maintained by the Science Office, working with the Intelligence Office and Logistics Office where required.
    1. New Command pages are primarily created by the Logistics Office. The Science Office will review newly created articles to ensure essential information is recorded and inputted data is accurate.
  2. All members of Bravo Fleet may contribute to the wiki, making additions in adherence to the definitions of Fleet Canon as set forth by the Intelligence Office.
  3. Members seeking access in order to edit pages on the wiki, such as their command and division/squadron pages, may apply to the Science Office for a wiki account to be created.
  4. Articles that are part of Bravo Fleet Canon will be clearly labelled as per Intelligence Office Policy, confirming their content has been approved by the Intelligence Office. The Science Office will be responsible for ensuring accurate labelling and removing erroneous labelling when required.
  5. Articles not labelled as such are to be treated as Member Canon, as per Intelligence Office Policy 1.3
  6. Bravo Fleet Members may choose but are not bound to adhere to non-Fleet Canon
  7. Content added to the wiki should be in the form of In Character historical or documentary-style writing unless specified otherwise.
  8. The Science Office is responsible for the creation and maintenance of templates used throughout the wiki.
    1. New template ideas may be suggested to the Science Office, but the Science Office reserves the right to reject ideas or modify them to better suit the needs of the wiki as a whole.
    2. Template creation and updates are the responsibility of the Science Office. Users should not be creating new templates or modifying existing ones.

3.0 Bravo Fleet Map

  1. The Bravo Fleet Map is to be maintained by the Science Office with the intent of providing a visual aid to members on the location and spatial relationships of static objects within Bravo Fleet canon.
  2. Inclusion on the map is at the discretion of the Science Office and Intelligence Office.
  3. Map icons and affiliations are to be maintained by the Science Office, with accurate linking to wiki articles where possible.
  4. Issues with the map are to be raised with the Science Office first, who will investigate and remedy as needed and work with the Intelligence Office when required.