Montana Station

From Bravo Fleet

This Canopus-class class station is a recent addition to the area with a diplomacy and trade focus. Its primary area of interest is the Tholian Assembly. To work to extend and improve diplomatic relationships with this species, it also serves as a waypoint for traders and operators who transport and trade with them.  It is also a waystation for long-distance starships as a rest station.

It is in the Rital system, with five planets orbiting a young, active sun. The station was named in honor of Montana, where the Vulcans first had contact with humans. Two planets are classified as livable, while the other three are part of a growing natural resources mining operation. An expanding commercial operation has started to build slowly, and adding an office for Harris Transport has fueled interest in existing and future colonial operations in the sector and beyond.  

A recent interest in resources in the sector and the space surrounding it has brought some well-intentioned players. There is also the risk of bad actors—the Syndicate among them—who would seek to establish a foothold in the darkened corners within the station’s area of influence - and just beyond in the far and empty swaths of Federation Space.

Starbase 406 is home to the Dragonfly Emissary Squadon, which runs diplomatic and intervention operations in the surrounding systems and beyond to ensure system security.  Within the division is the USS Perseverance, which works primarily as a science vessel in tandem with Montana Station's science labs to continue to explore the rimward edges and areas of Federation space.

Promenade Shops

  • West Yellowstone Coffee
  • Glasgow Steakhouse
  • Billings Confectionary
  • Fort Peck Pub.

Rital System

The station is in high orbit of Rital III, the sole colony in the system. Rital IV is habitable and being investigated as a possible colony. Rital I, II, and V are unhabitable but rich with minerals and more. Mining operations have been explored and several companies have proposed operational plans.

  • Rital III
    • Population 700.

Notable Crew

Commanding Officers