Guide: Activity Reporting

From Bravo Fleet
Revision as of 16:14, 25 April 2022 by CrimsonTacit (talk | contribs) (Category)

This guide will help you navigate the BFMS to report activity not automatically recorded by the system.

General Activity Reporting

All of the types of activity in this section are reported directly by you, and are nominated for the appropriate ribbons by your Task Force staff. If you're not sure what something counts for, report it, and we'll figure out if it's eligible for something on our end.

You do not need to report the following items: fiction (these awards come automatically), placement in competitions, promotions, staff positions, awards, or your Discord level. These items are checkable by the staff in other ways. Video game activity reporting is covered in the next section.

It's a good idea to report the following items: completing academy courses, competition entries, competitions organized, RPG posts on Nova, social media follows, and having joined the STO fleet.

  1. Go to the Dashboard and click "Record Activity." It is on the top left of the dashboard, under the site menu.
  2. In the "Activity Label" box list the the category of activity (competition organized, competition entered, RPG post, etc.).
    1. You should separate your activity reports by type (rather than putting everything all in one report) to make it easier for staff to read and process.
  3. Describe the activity you are recording
    1. For simple actions like following Facebook or Twitter, joining the STO fleet, or completing an academy quiz, just note that.
    2. For competition entries, list the competition(s) you entered
    3. For RPG posts on Nova, just provide a URL for the post. There's no need for a date or title.
    4. For competitions organized, provide a URL to the competition itself. NB: you can only generally get credit once the competition has been finished and graded.
    5. For anniversaries (to earn dedication ribbons) just list your Bravo Fleet join date.
  4. Hit "Submit for Review," which will notify your unit staff to check your activity and make any appropriate nominations.
    1. Once nominated, the system will show that the activity has been approved by the staffer who did so.
  5. If necessary, repeat the process for other activity types.
Start here for Step 1.
This is what the blank activity tracker looks like. Your progress to promotion is tracked on the left.
An example of an activity report.
What your tracker will look like after submitting multiple reports.

Video Game Activity

  1. Review the Gaming Policy to see what items are eligible for gaming awards.
  2. Take a screenshot of the activity you wish to submit.
    1. For a solo or group gaming action, this should typically be the mission complete screen.
    2. For a campaign ribbon, this should be evidence of your major gaming achievement.
    3. Consult with the Gaming Office if you're not sure what's needed.
  3. Go to your Dashboard on the BFMS and scroll down to the Gaming Office section. Press "Submit Gaming Activity."
  4. Select your member account using your user ID under Participating Members.
    1. If you are submitting group activity, select the user ID of the other members. Do not submit multiple reports.
  5. Upload your screenshot(s) by clicking 'Add to gallery.' It is most efficient if you submit several at once in a batch, rather than submitting multiple forms on the same day.
  6. Click Submit for Review.
Start here for step 3.
Use this screen for steps 4 through 6.