User:MJ/sandbox/United Earth Starfleet

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This article is about the United Earth Starfleet set in the 22nd Century. You may also be looking for the Federation Starfleet. The United Earth Starfleet, most commonly referred to as Starfleet, is the formal division for the United Earth Commonwealth responsible for Earth’s space program, as well as research primarily aimed at astronautics. It was originally a branch of the United Earth Space Probe Agency (UESPA), the independent global civilian administration of the government that manages all matters regarding space exploration. At the end of 2155, Starfleet was federalised by President Lydia Littlejohn when the Romulan Star Empire was about to attack Earth, effectively placing Starfleet within the Commonwealth’s military branches.

Starfleet’s motto is “Ad Astra Per Aspera” which is Latin for “Through Hardship to the Stars”. The flagship of Starfleet, by 2151 was the Enterprise (NX-01).


In 2065, two years after the historic first human warp flight, the UESPA began operating as a multi-national agency that aimed to further develop humanity’s space exploration efforts and subsequent research into such matters. The UESPA, being civilian operated, was separate from any one nation's government and promoted the best that humanity had to offer. The UESPA came a symbol of hope for the world, it showed everyone what humans could achieve when they worked together for the common good. Many professionals from all walks of life joined the UESPA to further expand its goals. Research and discovery from all corners of the world made it a success.  

By 2113, the UESPA had achieved a number of successful missions and projects. This ranged from developing the warp drive further to establishing bases and stations beyond Earth. A bulk of Earth’s technological breakthroughs came from the UESPA too. Their work, for the most, had been overseen (and in some rare cases supported) by the Vulcan Confederacy through their own diplomats, consultants and advisors. However, the UESPA wanted to go further and begin developing its deep-space program. They had already sent out a number of probes to explore, and send back data and telemetry about what lay beyond the Sol system, but they needed to do more. As a result of this and seeing the need to develop a formal division that would represent Earth’s interests, it was decided to create a new branch of the UESPA. Starfleet was created and officially founded in 2135. Its mandate, at the time, was to begin work on Earth’s deep space exploration program and create a new warp drive that would take humans further beyond their homeworld.

Starfleet was a lot more formal compared to the UESPA. Where the UESPA was more civilian-based, led by an administrator and directors, Starfleet would use militaristic terms, loosely based on navy traditions. However, in Starfleet’s charter, it was originally stated that Starfleet would not be part of Earth’s Global Defence Force (GDF) that operated all military issues for the United Earth Government.

After a number of deep-space ships had been launched in the 2150s, Earth discovered that a number of other species, that were warp-capable, were quite aggressive. This resulted in Earth entering into a war with the Romulan Star Empire by 2155. During the height of the war, the President of the United Earth Commonwealth formally federalised Starfleet as a branch of Earth’s military forces. She had also appointed the Starfleet Commander-in-Chief as the Chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at this time too.  

Leadership & Departments

Starfleet Command

Starfleet Command is the principal body that oversees all departments, agencies and divisions of Starfleet. It operates from Starfleet Command Headquarters, San Francisco, Earth. It is led by the Starfleet Commander-in-Chief, who in turn is supported by the Starfleet Command Council. Starfleet Command is filled with members of the admiralty and their staff. Starfleet Command Headquarters is located in San Francisco, United States of America.

Starfleet Commander in Chief

Starfleet is led by the Starfleet Commander-in-Chief who has direct oversight and leadership of all Starfleet members, ships, stations and facilities. The C-in-C normally holds the rank of Fleet Admiral and delegates responsibilities to other departments within Starfleet that are led by other high-ranking officers that hold the position of director. Prior to Starfleet being federalised in 2155, the C-in-C reported to the UESPA’s Administrator and the Prime Minister of Earth. However after Starfleet was brought into Earth's military branches, the C-in-C is a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. As a result of this, from 2155 they would normally report directly to the President of Earth, who is the overall Commander-in-Chief of Earth’s governmental assets, including military and non-military ones. The UESPA Inspector General was, at one point, the only other position that was higher than the C-in-C to ensure appropriate oversight of the organisation but this was changed in 2155 too. The C-in-C normally issues orders to department heads, however on rare occasions has the authority to provide those orders to the commanding officers of those units directly. The C-in-C holds offices at Starfleet Command Headquarters in San Francisco.

Command Council

The C-in-C has the right and responsibility to share their duties among heads of departments. The C-in-C and these heads are all members of the Starfleet Command Council. The Command Council meet on a monthly basis to discuss all matters of Starfleet, however, in a matter of urgency, the C-in-C can call for an extraordinary/emergency meeting if required. The Command Council acts in a fashion typical to a board of directors. Its chamber is located on the basement floor of Starfleet Command Headquarters.

Starfleet Commander

The Starfleet Commander sometimes referred to as the Commanding Officer of Starfleet Command, is the second highest ranking member of the admiralty and is the flag officer that has overall command of Starfleet Command Headquarters. This includes not just the buildings on Earth, but all of the facilities and bases within the Sol system.  It is expected that the Starfleet Commander is an admiral or above.

Executive Secretary to the Commander-in-Chief

Like in most organisations, the senior position is supported by administration duties with an executive secretary. Within Starfleet Command, the Executive Secretary reports directly to the C-in-C. They are responsible for maintaining the Office of the Commander-in-Chief and overseeing their scheduling. They are seen as the senior most officer who oversees all administrative work within Starfleet Command. They are also in charge of maintaining and keeping records, documents, and “minutes” from meetings. They are also the Clerk to the Command Council. The Executive Secretary oversees other Secretaries and Personal Assistants for members of the Command Council too. The Executive Secretary normally holds the minimum rank of Commander.

Starfleet Operations

Starfleet Operations has oversight of all assets that belong to Starfleet. The department is responsible for deploying assets and allocating appropriate resources to support missions and projects.  The Director of Starfleet Operations is the head of this department and is expected to hold the minimum rank of Rear Admiral. The director has an office at Starfleet Command Headquarters near to C-in-C and Starfleet Commander. Starfleet Operations has a number of sub-departments and divisions within it. Starfleet Operations operates out of Starfleet Command Headquarters.

Fleet Operations

Fleet Operations is a sub-department of Starfleet Operations. It coordinates the movement and deployment of the ships within Starfleet. It is overseen by a Deputy Director, who normally holds the rank of captain. The Fleet Operations Centre is located in Maine County, San Francisco.

Mission Control

Mission Control is a sub-department of Starfleet Operations. It oversees and manages all aerospace flights and test flights for new engines, ship designs and other technologies. It is overseen by a Deputy Director who delegates to Flight Directors individual projects or missions. The Deputy Director normally holds the rank of captain. Mission Control Centre is located at the Fleet Operations Centre and has other support bases located around Earth at sites that were once run by former space agencies.

Starfleet Training Command

Starfleet Training Command referred to as STC, is the principal education institute for all Starfleet personnel. They operate a range of courses that prepare its members for work within Starfleet itself. To become an officer a four-year course is provided, while for those who wish to become enlisted members, there is a shorter training programme. STC is led by the STC Commandant, who is the principal officer. They normally hold the minimum rank of commodore. STC has its main campus in San Francisco and has a range of training sites and camps around Earth as well as other facilities within the Commonwealth.

Starfleet Corps of Engineers

Commonly known as the SCE, the Corps of Engineers is a Starfleet department that is in charge of the building, maintenance and development of Starfleet’s ships, bases and stations. They are also involved with specialised engineering problems and work closely with the UESPA’s Research and Development Division. The Corps of Engineers is overseen by a Director (sometimes known as the Chief of Engineers) who holds the minimum rank of commodore. The main offices of the Starfleet Corps of Engineers are located in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Starship Design & Construction Bureau

The Bureau is designated with the task of overseeing the creation of new classes of ships. They are also responsible for overseeing construction yards, while repair yards are handled by Starfleet Operations. The SDCB is overseen by a deputy director with the minimum rank of captain. The main building for the SDCB is situated in Sydney, Australia.

Facilities Management

Facilities Management is a sub-department of the SCE that is responsible for the maintenance of all Starfleet bases, stations and centres. This sub-department is overseen by a deputy director with the minimum rank of commander. Facilities Management operates out of the main SCE offices in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Special Projects Division

The SPD is a sub-department of the SCE that breaks off into ten teams that are assigned special projects that require innovative and creative solutions to them. The SPD is overseen by a deputy director with the rank of captain and each team is led by a commander. The Special Projects Division has its base placed next to the SDCB in Sydney.

Starfleet Science

Starfleet Science is the department that oversees all research carried out by science officers. The department is led by a director, with the minimum rank of commodore with a deputy at the rank minimum rank of commander. Starfleet Science works closely with the UESPA to catalogue new discoveries as well as propose and support new research into various scientific fields. Starfleet Science also maintains close links with other civilian institutes like universities and research centres to share scientific knowledge. The department is split into five sub-departments: formal science, natural science, social science, applied science and stellar cartography. All of them are led by department heads who hold the minimum rank of lieutenant commander. Starfleet Science has its main offices located in Tokyo, Japan with other facilities dotted around Earth and Mars.

Starfleet Intelligence

Starfleet Intelligence works closely with the United Earth Commonwealth’s security services to ensure that extra-terrestrial threats that it encounters are monitored and dealt with appropriately. Starfleet Intelligence works closely with Starfleet Security too. The director of Starfleet Intelligence normally holds the minimum rank of commodore. Starfleet Intelligence operates from an underground headquarters in Cardiff, Wales.

Internal Affairs

Working closely with the Inspector General’s office, Internal Affairs ensure that there are no threats to the service from within Starfleet and ensure that all personnel actions in accordance with UEC laws. The sub-department is overseen by a deputy director with a minimum rank of captain. Internal Affairs has three floors allocated to it at Starfleet Command Headquarters.


This sub-department ensures that once threats are identified to the intelligence community by other foreign spies within the UEC, measures are put into place to avoid them being removed to prevent the loss of life or damage sustained to Starfleet as well as the UEC. The deputy director for Counterintelligence has a minimum rank of commander. The main offices for Counterintelligence are located in Moscow, Russia.

Foreign Affairs

Foreign Affairs is tasked mainly with the covert overseas collection and analysis of intelligence in support of the UEC’s national security. The deputy director for this sub-department holds the minimum rank of commander. Barcelona, Spain plays host to the main offices for Foreign Affairs.

Starfleet Security

Starfleet Security is the agency responsible for overseeing all security matters for Starfleet, its properties and its personnel. They deal with a majority of internal threats to the organisation and work closely with Starfleet Intelligence and other security forces within the UEC. The director of Starfleet Security normally holds the minimum rank of commodore. Starfleet Security has its main offices in London, along the River Thames with other buildings operating in other cities including San Francisco, Moscow and Beijing.

Special Investigations Bureau

The SIB is tasked with ensuring that any credible immediate threats to the security of the UEC and/or Starfleet are dealt with in a lawful manner. The deputy director holds a minimum rank of captain for this sub-department. The SIP does not have any particular named head offices.

Starfleet Medical

Starfleet Medical is the department of Starfleet that deals with all medical and clinical matters. Its headquarters is located in San Francisco. The department is overseen by the Starfleet Surgeon General, who can hold the minimum rank of commodore.

Starfleet Teaching Hospital

Working in unison with other known higher educational training institutes, the Starfleet Teaching Hospital trains all of the future nurses, medics and doctors who enrol with Starfleet. It is overseen by the Dean of the Starfleet Teaching Hospital who holds the minimal rank of commander. The Teaching Hospital is located in San Francisco.

Medical Research

This sub-department is overseen by a deputy director who holds the minimum rank of commander. Starfleet Medical Research uses the assets of Starfleet combined with its ties with other advanced medical research institutes to carry out the numerous projects undertaken in medical science. The Medical Research sub-department has close ties with the Interspecies Medical Exchange Program.

Judge Advocate General’s Office

The body of Starfleet that is responsible for all legal matters concerning Starfleet personnel, including court martial. The Judge Advocate General normally holds a minimum rank of rear admiral. The main offices of the JAG are located in Helsinki, Finland.

Notable Ships

Before the Romulan War, Earth Starfleet was relatively small and consisted mostly of small explorers or patrol boats. Most of the NX-class ships did not finish construction until after hostilities began, and only when Starfleet's shipbuilding shifted to a war footing did the service's ranks truly swell. Nevertheless, few ships from Earth Starfleet are as well-remembered as the NX-class or its successor, the Columbia-class - many of which were refitted NXs:

  • Enterprise (NX-01), NX-class (refitted to Columbia in 2157). Commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer. Launched 2151, transferred to UFP Starfleet 2161.
  • Columbia (NX-02), NX-class (refitted to Columbia in 2157). Commanded by Captain Erika Hernandez. Launched 2154.
  • Challenger (NX-03), NX-class (refitted to Columbia in 2156). Commanded by Captain Lloyd Burton. Launched 2155.
  • Discovery (NX-04), NX-class. Commanded by Captain Frank Müller. Launched 2155.
  • Atlantis (NX-05), NX-class. Launched 2155.
  • Endeavour (NX-06), NX-class (refitted to Columbia in 2157). Commanded by Captain Oliver Campbell. Launched 2156.
  • Buran (NX-07), NX-class. Commanded by Captain Harriet Sharpe. Launched 2156.
  • Phoenix (NX-08), NX-class. Commanded by Captain Natalia Lopez. Launched in 2156, destroyed in the Battle of Cheron, 2160.


The ranks used by Starfleet were inspired by navy ones, even though when it was first created the idea was that Starfleet would not be militaristic. The notion of the ranking system and the chain of command was to ensure a sense of formality existed within the organisation. When Starfleet was made one of the military branches of the Commonwealth it's ranking structure was easily integrated alongside the other ranks used by the military branches.

Starfleet ranks are divided into three groups:

  • Flag Officers
  • Line Officers
  • Enlisted Officers

Flag Officers

Rank Title Abbreviation Image
Fleet Admiral FADM or FAdm
Admiral ADM or Adm Ent-a4.png
Vice Admiral VADM or VAdm Ent-a3.png
Rear Admiral RADM or RAdm Ent-a2.png
Commodore CMDRE, Cmdre, CMDR, Cmdr, CMDOR, Cmdor, CDOR or Cdor Ent-a1.png

Line Officers

Rank Title Abbreviation Image
Fleet Captain FCAPT or FCapt Ent-o6b.png
Captain CAPT or Capt Ent-o6.png
Commander CDR, Cdr, CMDR or Cmdr Ent-o5.png
Lieutenant Commander LCDR, LCdr, LTCDR, LtCdr, LTCMDR or LtCmdr Ent-o4.png
Lieutenant LT or Lt Ent-o3.png
Lieutenant junior grade LTJG, LtJG, LT(JG) or Lt(JG) Ent-o2.png
Ensign ENS or Ens Ent-o1.png

Enlisted Officers

Rank Short Image
Master Chief Petty Officer MCPO Ent-e9.png
Senior Chief Petty Officer SCPO Ent-e8.png
Chief Petty Officer CPO Ent-e7.png
Petty Officer 1st Class PO1 Ent-e6.png
Petty Officer 2nd Class PO2 Ent-e5.png
Petty Officer 3rd Class PO3 Ent-e4.png
Crewman 1st Class CM1 Ent-e3.png
Crewman 2nd Class CM2 Ent-e2.png
Crewman 3rd Class CM3 Ent-e1.png

Starfleet Training Command Cadets

Rank Short Image
Fourth Year Cadet CDT4 or CDT(SR) Ent-c4.png
Third Year Cadet CDT3 or CDT(JR) Ent-c3.png
Second Year Cadet CDT2 or CDT(SO) Ent-c2.png
First Year Cadet CDT1 or CDT(FR) Ent-c1.png
Enlisted Cadet ECDT or CDT(E) Ent-Silver.png

Ship and Station Departmental Colours

Department Color Image
  • Command
  • Flight Control
Yellow Yellow.png
  • Operations
  • Engineering
  • Armoury
Red Ent-Red.png
  • Science
  • Medical
  • Communication & Protocol
Teal Ent-Teal.png
The ranks used on this page were created by Kuro-chan of Kuro-RPG Please do not modify the images in any way. If you wish to obtain them and an up-to-date copy, access the Kuro-RPG Website.

United Earth Starfleet In Play

  • The United Earth Starfleet, initially when it was founded, was meant to be Earth's global space exploration programme, but over the years it has gradually picked up some militaristic tones in how it operates.
  • A majority of those who join the Earth Starfleet (prior to the Xindi attack and Earth-Romulan War), were scientists, engineers and test pilots. The armoury division was never appealing.
  • After the Xindi attack, public support fell drastically for Starfleet however popular opinion changed after Enterprise saved the world and furthermore a new form of wartime spirit emerged to support the 'troops' against the Romulans.