USS Venture

From Bravo Fleet
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[[Category:Fourth Fleet Expeditionary Group]]

"It is good to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters in the end."
    —Ursula K. Le Guin - Ship's Dedication Quote

The USS Venture is a Galaxy-class starship currently assigned to the Fourth Fleet Expeditionary Group.


Technical Data

Physical Arrangement



Primary operational control for Galaxy-class starships is provided by the Main Bridge located at the top of the primary hull. It is located on Deck 1. The Main Bridge directly supervises all primary mission operations and coordinates all departmental activities.

The current layout for the Main Bridge of the USS Venture is as follows: in the center is Command Area with three common seats for the Captain, the Executive Officer to their right, and the Counselor to their left. Further out from these are two more seats that can be used by VIP or other non-stationed personnel.

At the front of the bridge is the Conn, starboard, and Operations, port, stations. Conn is the combination of Helm and Navigation, and Operations controls and monitors most vital ship functions. Operations is commonly in control of sensors aboard Galaxy-class starships. Behind the Command area is the Tactical Arch. Here is the primary and two Auxiliary Tactical stations. All tactical and security functions can be controlled and monitored from this point.

To the starboard and port of the Command Area are two stations: science to starboard, and engineering to port. From these two stations all of the ships engineering and science operations can be controlled. The Chief Engineer will typically be found in Main Engineering, and the Chief Science Officer is more typically a management and authority one, meant to control all the sub-departments which do their work in the various labs on board the ship. However, if need be, the Chief Engineer and Chief Science Officer can coordinate their departments from the bridge. There are three turbolifts leading off the bridge; one is an emergency turbolift that leads directly to the Battle Bridge. There are also three rooms adjacent to the Bridge. The Captain's Ready Room is on the fore port of the Bridge. The Conference Room and Bridge Head is aft starboard.

Ten Forward


This is a large lounge, located on Deck 10, at the forward most part of the ship. It has a very relaxed and congenial air about it; Ten-Forward is the only place on the ship where rank means nothing - "sir" need not be uttered when a person of lower rank addresses an officer, and everyone is on an equal footing. Opinions can be voiced in complete safety. This lounge is the social center of the ship.

Ten-Forward has a battery of recreational games and assorted "stuff." 3-D chess, pool tables, poker tables (complete with holographic dealer and chips), windows that look out into space, heavily cushioned seats, and numerous other games. There is also a bar (usually serviced by an on-duty bartender), and it stores various potent alcoholic beverages, such as chech'tluth, Aldebaran whiskey, Saurian brandy, Tzartak aperitif, Tamarian Frost, C&E Warp Lager, Warnog, Antarean brandy, and countless others. The replicators are also able to produce other food and beverages for the crew to enjoy in this relaxed social setting.

Battle Bridge


Being able to separate into two distinct vessels, the Galaxy-class has two bridges. The second bridge is called the Battle Bridge and is located on Deck 8. This bridge duplicates most of the functions of the Main Bridge but places emphasis on piloting, support, and defensive operations. To keep in tune with changing situations the Battle Bridge is also modular like the Main Bridge.

For the most part, the Battle Bridge is only used when the vessel is in separated flight mode. Outside of this, when the Main Bridge is non-operational most command and control functions are routed to Main Engineering. However in situations were the Main Bridge will experience an extended period of being non-operational, Starfleet procedures require that the Battle Bridge be used to keep Main Engineering clear of non-essential personnel.



An advancement in integrated data processing, the Astrometrics Laboratory brings with it technological refinements used first aboard the USS Voyager. Served directly by its own auxiliary computer core, the Astrometrics Lab conceivably has the largest single processing potential of any single laboratory aboard ship. Facilities include multiple multi-use consoles, control facilities, a large wraparound viewscreen, and a centrally placed dais with a holo-emitter.

All information is directed to the bridge and can be displayed on any console or the main viewscreen. When under warp or staffed by demand, the Astrometrics Laboratory is manned by one supervising officer and as many as eight subordinates.



Main Sickbay: There are two sickbay facilities located on Deck 12. The primary facility, Main Sickbay, has two intensive-care wards, a laboratory, a nursery, and the Chief Medical Officer's office. The secondary facility has two dedicated surgery suites, a physical therapy facility, a nursery, and a null-gravy therapy ward. The primary facility is located on the port side of the vessel and the secondary facility is located on the starboard side. Also pursuant to new Medical Protocols, all Primary Medical Facilities are equipped with holo-emitters for the usage of the Emergency Medical Holographic System.

Aid Stations: Like on Starbases and other large ships, the Galaxy-class has nurse stations around the vessel, almost on each deck. These areas are staffed on a rotating schedule during green mode, and during higher alert status they may all be activated. They provide first aid to injured personnel and become quick essential command posts during situations where the ship is damaged. When the Captain needs to know how many people are injured, those who find out serve at these stations.

Main Engineering


Main Engineering is located on Deck 36 of the Galaxy Class. Its primary purpose is to be the central point for control of all engineering systems aboard the vessel, especially those relating to propulsion and power generation. Here is located the Matter Antimatter Reaction Chamber is also known as the Warp Core. There are three main consoles in Engineering, the Master Systems Monitor, Warp Propulsion System console, and Impulse Propulsion System console. In between the Warp Propulsion System & Impulse Propulsion System console is the Master Systems Display. Heading towards the warp core from the main entrance one will find the Chief Engineer's Officer on the left and the Assistant Chief Engineer's console on the right. A little more forward is the isolation door. Access to the upper level of Engineering can be found by a ladder on the left of the Matter Antimatter Reaction Chamber or an elevator on the right. The upper level has access to many auxiliary systems as well as egress points.

During emergencies, Main Engineering can be turned into a command and control center by converting a number of consoles to duplicate the stations on the Main Bridge. The software is already preloaded onto these consoles and each vessel has specific procedures in place in case a situation warrants.