USS Daradax

From Bravo Fleet
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[[Category:Task Force 47]]

The USS Daradax is a Raven-class Starship build in 2391 following the updating of the older Aerie-class design. Designed to operate with a crew up up to twenty the ship is highly automated and can get by with a few as 5 crew members for long-term missions.

Design and Layout

Designed as a multi-role starship the USS Daradax is fitted with several scientific laboratories and multi-purpose rooms which can be retrofitted to fit with the mission needs.

Deck 1 - Houses the ships Deuterium storage tanks, Intermix Monitoring room, Gravitron generators and aft sensory array along with other key ship systems that do not need continual access.

Deck 2 - This deck houses the quarters for the command staff (Captain, XO, etc) and guest quarters along with the general living spaces such as the mess hall and observation lounge. Additionally the bridge, briefing room, transporter room, medical facilities, and access to the upper level of engineering are located here. The main airlock for the ship is situated just aft of the bridge.

Deck 3 - Houses space for the remaining crew (if assigned to the ship) in bunks four. In addition to this access to the holodeck, shuttle bay, computer core and engineering facilities, including the impulse control rooms are all on this deck. The main labs for the ship can be found on this deck. Currently these are setup to facilitate astrometrics, planetary sciences along with several general lab facilities.

Deck 4 - The majority of this deck is taken up by the large cargo bay along with the antimatter tanks and injector. The ventral airlock is also located here which leads to the forward landing leg and escape hatch.

The design of the ship deviates slightly from other Raven's and Aerie's in several key areas due to the ships previous work as a rapid courier vessel for dignitaries within the federation. The shuttle bay, usually found at the rear of Deck two was shifted to deck three to allow for an observation deck to be installed for use by the crew and to give high-level passengers that it was carrying a room in which they could relax. In addition to this the holodeck which was added takes up space within both decks two and three just behind the warp core and engineering.


Commissioned in 2391 the USS Daradax served as a survey ship for a couple of years as well as a rapid courier vessel for dignitaries within the federation before being mothballed inexplicably until it was reactivated in 2400. Since then it has the following have served on board:


The USS Daradax has undertaken the following missions since its reactivation in 2400:

  • Under the command of Lieutenant Kirin Tarken - March 2400 - Present
    • Mission 1 – Prepping for the (slightly) Unknown - Tasked with survey Sector Fero Psi the USS Daradax is currently being pulled out of mothballs within the drydocks at Starbase Bravo for crew handover and mission preparations. Sector Fero Psi is in need of exploration as only long-range sensors, probes, and a brief exploration by the USS Centaur have been conducted within the region. Her new Commander, the half Orion, half Risian Lieutenant Kirin Tarken has just arrived to take command of the ship. She must use this time to familiarize herself with this class of ship and the limited crew who have been assigned to her.
    • Mission 2 – Wings of Salvation (Sundered Wings Fleet Action) - The USS Daradax was sent as part of the Taskforce to help secure the planet and get self-sufficient again after it declared independence. Tasked with providing aid to the large capital ships the Daradax and her crew find themselves transporting large quantities of equipment and food supplies to the surface to repair the refineries and feed the population putting them directly into the line of fire. Pulled away from her duties on board the Daradax Lt. Kirin Tarken is thrust back into the secretive workings of Starfleet intelligence to uncover what sinister plans the Romulans have for this planet.
    • Mission 3 - Pending Completion of Fleet Action

Notable Crew

Current Crew

  • Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Kirin Tarken (Orion/Risan Female)
  • Executive Office: Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Thanen Th’zalnar (Andorian Male)
  • Security/Tactical Officer: Ensign Ril Mnass (Human/Klingon Female)
  • Science/Medical Officer: Ensign Kerry Dawson (Human Female)
  • Con and Navigation: Ensign Belania (Ferengi Female)