USS Daradax

From Bravo Fleet
Revision as of 09:02, 9 June 2022 by Cynddle (talk | contribs)

[[Category:Raven-class-class]][[Category:Task Force 47]]

The USS Daradax is a Raven-class Starship


Commissioned in 2391 the USS Daradax served as a survey ship for a couple of years before being mothballed inexplicably until it was reactivated in 2400. Since then it has the following have served on board:


Under the Command of Lieutenant Tarken the USS Daradax undertook the following missions

  • Mission 1 – Prepping for the (slightly) Unknown - Tasked with survey Sector Fero Psi the USS Daradax is currently being pulled out of mothballs within the drydocks at Starbase Bravo for crew handover and mission preparations. Sector Fero Psi is in need of exploration as only long-range sensors, probes, and a brief exploration by the USS Centaur have been conducted within the region. Her new Commander, the half Orion, half Risian Lieutenant Kirin Tarken has just arrived to take command of the ship. She must use this time to familiarize herself with this class of ship and the limited crew who have been assigned to her.
  • Mission 2 – Wings of Salvation (Sundered Wings Fleet Action) -