USS Neptune

From Bravo Fleet
Revision as of 01:35, 2 March 2024 by Aarondelay (talk | contribs) (Assisted Darth in mentoring him through the process and pieces of his ship's wiki page.)

"The trident of Neptune is the sceptre of the world."
    —Antoine-Marin Lemierre - Ship's dedication quote

The USS Neptune is a Vesta-class explorer assigned to the Fourth Fleet's Task Force 93. Neptune has been under the command of Captain Michael Ryder since 2399. The USS Neptune though a ship bred for war is more likely to be seen in unexplored areas. It also hosts an annual event for talented Starfleet singers to show their skills to the Fleet.


The USS Neptune started laying of the hull in 2397 at Earth Station Mckinley. With the advantage of the titular Vesta going through her shakedown cruises the Neptune was able to be streamlined and prepared for a more refined launch in late 2399 when the ship was commissioned. Captain Ryder was notified by Captain McCallister of his assignment to the Neptune. The crew discovered a Roman Army from the events of the Stormbreaker Campaign. The quick actions of the crew helped to save the Romans from annihilation.


Bridge Layout

The Bridge of the Neptune is rather unique in its design. It has a compact yet effective area for the bridge officers.

Deck Layout

Deck 1: VIP Quarters, Upper Comms Array

Deck 2: Bridge, Ready Room, Briefing Room, XO’s Office, CO’s Quarters, XO’s Quarters

Deck 3: Senior Officer’s Quarters, Strategic Operations and Chief Tactical Officer’s Office, Training Simulators, Work Stations & Briefing Room

Deck 4:  Officer’s Quarters, Scarlet Fire Brewhouse, Trident Lounge, Transporter Rooms 1 & 2

Deck 5:  Shuttle Bay Observation Tower, Computer Core, Holodecks 1-3, Officer’s Quarters, Dorsal Phaser Arrays

Deck 6: Shuttlebay – Flight Deck, Computer Core , Holodecks 4-6, Senior Enlisted Quarters

Deck 7: Shuttlebay – Hangar, Computer Core, Enlisted Quarters, Primary Impulse Engines

Deck 8: Computer Core, Deuterium Storage, Aft Observation Lounge, Enlisted Quarters, Sickbay, Chief Medical Officer’s Office & Medical Laboratories

Deck 9: Computer Core, Primary Impulse Engines, Secondary Impulse Engines, Transporter Rooms 3 & 4, Enlisted Quarters, Ventral Phaser Arrays, Lateral Sensor Arrays

Deck 10: Main Engineering – Upper Level, Forward Observation Lounge, Enlisted Quarters

Deck 11: Main Engineering – Lower Level, Engineering Laboratories, Chief Engineer’s Office, Forward Torpedo Launchers, Torpedo Storage

Deck 12: Science Laboratories & Chief Science Officer’s Office, Ventral Sensor Dome, Phaser Cannons 1 & 2

Deck 13: Brig, Chief of Security’s Office, Training Areas & Armory

Deck 14: Holodecks 7-9 and Guest Quarters

Deck 15: Aft Torpedo Launchers, Torpedo Storage, Cargo Bays 1-5

Deck 16: Deflector Dish, Cargo Bays 6-10, Cargo Transporters 1 & 2

Deck 17: Deflector Dish, Deflector Control

Deck 18: Deflector Dish, Antimatter Storage Pods, Antimatter Generators, Lower Comms Array

Deck 19: Warp Core Ejection Hatch, Antimatter Pod Ejection Hatch. Lower Tractor Beam Emitters

Recreation Facilities

Scarlet Fire Brewhouse

Scarlet Fire Brewhouse

A favorite of the crew the Brewhouse is ran by the Captains now love interest Felicity Bowen. The brewhouse has whatever the crew could ask for that is withing Federation regulations. It has a very comfortable atmosphere and allows for crew and guest to decompress after a long shift. Felicity prides herself in being the best proprietor anyone on the ship has ever witnessed.

Notable Crew

Commanding Officers