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Wiki-goblin extraordinaire.
| name = Atlantis Supernova<br>SN2399ABX
| image = [[File:Supernova.jpg]]
| starsystem = VOY-2374-4367
| sector =
| quadrant = Delta
| class =
| satellites =
| atmosphere =
| climate =
| hydrosphere =
| affiliation =
| natives =
| population =
| capital =
| map =
| mapquadrant =
| mapletter =
| mapnumber =
The Atlantis Supernova is a Type 1a supernova in the [[Delta Quadrant]] induced artificially by the [[USS Atlantis|USS ''Atlantis'']] in 2399 in order to prevent the [[Borg Collective]] from gaining access to a subspace flexure that could have been used to form a stable wormhole and gain access to the Alpha Quadrant.

*[[/Vondem Rose]]

In mid-2399 the USS ''Atlantis'' detected the formation of a subspace flexure in star system VOY-2374-4367, a star system only catalogued by the USS ''Voyager'' when it passed through on it's way home. The star system composed of an orange giant (O9II) and a sub-Chandrasekhar limit white dwarf (DO). However at the same time that the flexure was detected, ''Atlantis'' sensors also detected a Borg vessel heading for the same system as well, likely drawn to the flexure and strategic possibilities it offered.
Testing space for a lot of weird shit. Examples of most infoboxes are tested here at one point or another. Infoboxes being designed/developed will be at [[Template:Test]] though for the love of all that is Puzzle God related, do not use it!. Look at your own peril. Also, Starbase Kickass and its associated shenanigans are '''''Totally Canon'''''. All events are real and undocumented as no one wants to admit they exist.

Being so young, theory offered the possibility that this was as yet a single expression flexure which could be influenced in it's secondary expression and thereby possibly aimed, by as yet hereto unknown methods. With Borg interest however, it was assumed they likely could influence the secondary expressions and possibly build a wormhole allowing for rapid access to other parts of the galaxy including the Alpha Quadrant. To this end the ''Atlantis'' crew were ordered by Captain Theodoras to come up with some sort of method for destroying the flexure.
Commodore Aben Ch'Thobar once got a cadet promoted to captain by giving them finger guns while walking the Academy campus...<br>
When Gorns tried to kill him, he killed them first with science...<br>
He once got out and pushed a ship to transwarp because his engineer told him the engines weren't working...<br>
He tutored a Pakled once, who's now the emeritus professor at the Daystrom Institute...<br>
He IS the most interesting Commodore being written up right now.

Using the Krek Technique, developed by Ensign Goresh Krek aboard ship, the USS ''Atlantis'' was able to induce a Type 1a supernova within the the white dwarf, resulting in a explosion that destroyed the subspace flexure as well as the recently arrived Borg vessel.
===The Beta Antares Shipyard - Kickass Fleet's favourite shop on the citadel!===
<div style="margin:12px"><table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" border="0" style="border-radius: 5px; -moz-border-radius: 5px; border:1px solid #6a6a6a; background:#F3F3F3; width:85%; text-align:left; margin: 0 auto; padding:3px; margin-bottom:3px; font-size:95%;">
<tr style="vertical-align:middle;"><td style="padding:.5em .5em .5em .5em;">[[image:Specsmainpage.png]]</td><td style="overflow:hidden; width:80%;"><div><big>'''And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by'''</big></div>This article is for a command that has been previously used by another Bravo Fleet member. Content is preserved but new commanders are not obligated to retain all details once they have taken command. Please see the [[Submission Guide]] for specifics.<br /><small>After cleanup is complete, please remove this maintenance tag.</small></td></tr></table></div>

===Krek Technique===
====Kolar Blight====
A throwaway joke about an Orion post-modern punk band that has taken on a life of its own. It's more like a super-group, constantly evolving, members coming and going. They've been around since at least the mid 2370s. Hits include
*Agency Crisis
*Fight for Paradise/Kick ‘em before they Stand
**A foulmouthed anti-fascist rant directed at one Admiral Layton and his attempted coup during the Dominion Cold War. The chorus is notable for rhythming Layton with as many expletives across as many Federation languages as is reasonable.
*Pah-Wraith Disco
**Did poorly on the Bajoran Top 100. But made the Top 100. What does that say?
*Martian Rhapsody
**You wouldn't think a punk band to do a dirge, but somehow they pulled it off. Noted for beating the Bajoran and Klingon entries in the 2386 Bajoran Dirge Competition.
*Flaming Nacelle
**Apparently the only people who can understand what is being screamed in this song are all seasoned engineers from across numerous services in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. And none of them are happy. At least one had to be institutionalised upon hearing the song for the first time. Rumour persists he is still there to this day.
*Goth Lord Punk
**No one understands this one bit, but the melody is AWESOME!

The Krek Technique is the method developed by Ensign Goresh Krek to induce a supernova in the white dwarf element of VOY-2374-4367. Utilising gravimetric charges in the 80 isoton range, as well as the USS ''Atlantis''' main deflector, electron degeneracy pressure was able to be overcome in local instances, resulting in a rapid chain reaction, followed by further gravitational collapse of the star and the start of the Type 1a supernova process.
==First Battle of Leonis==
At a minimum the Krek Technique will require 4 large scale gravimetric charges, though refinement of this technique may allow for charges smaller then 80 isotons. Placement of the charges on the far side of the star from the participating starship is required, as is computer assisted timing for the sequence of events.
| name = First Battle of Leonis
| image =
Following detonation of the charges an induced gravimetric wave will 'shake' the star. Timed correctly, an anti-graviton pulse from a starship can push back on the star, resulting in local overpressure events allowing for electron degeneracy pressures to be overcome. While this is isn't taking place in the stellar core, it will rapidly create a gravitational incline within the star, pulling in more stellar matter and collapsing more matter across the ED limit.
| date = March 2401
| location = Leonis System
As material collapses in on the new core, carbon fusion will initiate with the increate in gravitational pressure. With the large amount of energy suddenly being flash released, stellar detonation is inevitable. As with all Type 1a supernovas no remnant core is left behind.
| result = Alliance victory, complete destruction of Dominion forces
| belligerents left = {{belligerent|FEDicon.png|Starfleet, Fourth Fleet}}
This technique only works with white dwarfs that are marginally off the Chandrasekhar limit naturally. As supernovas are a stellar level event, at this time no tactical or strategic benefit is seen from this technique as foes can simply ignore white swarf systems. This technique remains a stellar engineering curiosity and it is the opinion of the Federation Astronomical Committee that any further study or refinement remain purely simulation based for now.
{{belligerent|ROMicon.png|Romulan Republic}}
{{belligerent|KDFicon.png|House Lorkoth}}
==Classified : Omega-level, 06 and above only==
{{belligerent|KDFicon.png|KDF Observers}}
<blockquote>WARNING! The following information is classified at Omega-level. Divulgence of the following information can and will result in severe penalties for all parties involved in such breach.</blockquote>
| belligerents right = {{belligerent|DOMicon.png|Dominion Lost Fleet}}
| commanders left = {{belligerent|FEDicon.png|CAPT Theodoras}}
All sensor readings and information regarding the subspace flexure detected in star system VOY-2374-4367 was artificially generated by Captain Theodoras in order to hide the detection of Omega molecule within the system. Unknown mechanisms were responsible for Omega molecules genesis and the last recorded total before stellar detonation was 37 molecules. Molecule generation had been increasing and projections from ''Atlantis''' dataset indicate that in the order of thousands could have been generated within a month on an exponential curve.
{{belligerent|FEDicon.png|CAPT Sayil}}
{{belligerent|ROMicon.png|CMDR Grel}}
Ordered to prevent the Borg from gaining access to the molecule by any means, Captain Theodoras set her crew the task of attempting to induce a supernova in order to destroy the Omega molecules as well as any Borg vessels that may attempt to recover any molecules.
{{belligerent|KDFicon.png|CAPT Hor'keth}}
{{belligerent|Tholian Assembly.png|CAPT Kaltene}}
Subsequent scans afterwards have shown no molecules in system and no further spontaneous production.
| commanders right = {{belligerent|DOMicon.png|Unknown Vorta}}
| strength left = {{plainlist|
This star system will remain a subject of interest to Starfleet Command until such time as spontaneous Omega molecule production can be ruled out.
*USS ''Atlantis''
*USS ''Papakura''
*[[USS Nobel]]
**[[bfms_char:27493|Alexandra T'Rin Sudari-Kravchik]] and Co
*IKS ''Ba'korth''
***Captain Sudari-Kravchik
***Commander Jezgo - Saurian - XO
*2 ''K't'inga''-class cruisers
***Lieutenant James Woodrow - Human - Ops
*2 ''K't'inga''-class support vessels
***LtCmdr Malcolm Serra - Human - Tac/Sec
*25 ''B'rel''-class birds of prey
***Commander Stosa Moid - Betazoid - Eng
***Lieutenant S'val - Vulcan/Romulan? - Helm
*RRW ''Admiral Ketterac''
****Ensign Willow Beckman - Human - Helm
***??? - Med
*4 ''Malem''-class escorts
***??? - Sci
*3 Tholian Meshweavers
| strength right = {{plainlist|
*1 Jem'Hadar Battleship
| name = Lollipop
*1 Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser
| prefix = USS
*10 Jem'Hadar Attack Fighters
| image = [[file:Galaxyclass.png]]
*20 orbital defence platforms
| registry =
| class = Galaxy
*20 Jem'Hadar Attack Fighters as reinforcements
| affiliation = [[Starfleet]]
| status = A good ship
| casualties left = {{plainlist|
| commission =
| decommission =  
*Some more
| destroyed =
| taskforce =
| quadrant =
| role = Imaginary
| co = Commander William T Riker
| xo = Also Riker, because there's two of them
| casualties right = {{plainlist|
*Total loss of all Dominion assets in the system.
*Dominion reinforcements destroyed en route by Klingon screening elements
| name = Starbase ''Kickass''
| image = [[file:spacedockclass.png]]
| registry =
| class = [[Spacedock]]
| commission =
| decommission =
| taskforce =
| quadrant =
| role = Spinning Top of Death
| affiliation = Starfleet, but only because their branding was already all over the place
| sector = Wouldn't you like to know
| system = The fun one, with all the parties going on
| co = Depends on the day of the week really
| crew = The Never Ending Rave!
| templatemode = nocats
| name = Kickass
| image =
| major powers = *Starbase Kickass
*Sisko's Creole Kitchen
| minor powers = *United Federation of Wimps
*Originally Space Russia, now Space Vikings
*Space Roman Elves
*The other Space Russia, but 90's Space Russia
| important sectors = Sector Kickass!
| important places = Starbase Kickass
The First Battle of Leonis was a response by Captain Theodoras to give allies that had committed to assisting Starfleet's [[Fourth Fleet]] in the [[The Lost Fleet|Lost Fleet]] crisis an opportunity to engage the Dominion and achieve an early decisive win in order to build morale and set the tone for further operations.

Dominion forces ended up being superior to what was expected and the resulting battle, while conclusively in favour of the Federation Alliance forces, did result in extensive damage to allied vessels and forced a retreat of key combat vessels to Deneb in order to make repairs.
| name = Sector Kickass
| image = [[file:spacedockclass.png|275px]]
| major powers = *The Confederation of Kickass
| minor powers = *Those chumps we stole Starbase Kickass off of
*Old Lady Higgins (she's got a mean left hook)
| important places = *Starbase Kickass
*Grandma's house


Latest revision as of 20:43, 6 July 2024

Wiki-goblin extraordinaire.


Testing space for a lot of weird shit. Examples of most infoboxes are tested here at one point or another. Infoboxes being designed/developed will be at Template:Test though for the love of all that is Puzzle God related, do not use it!. Look at your own peril. Also, Starbase Kickass and its associated shenanigans are Totally Canon. All events are real and undocumented as no one wants to admit they exist.

For previously developed content by prior commands, see here 

Commodore Aben Ch'Thobar once got a cadet promoted to captain by giving them finger guns while walking the Academy campus...
When Gorns tried to kill him, he killed them first with science...
He once got out and pushed a ship to transwarp because his engineer told him the engines weren't working...
He tutored a Pakled once, who's now the emeritus professor at the Daystrom Institute...
He IS the most interesting Commodore being written up right now.

The Beta Antares Shipyard - Kickass Fleet's favourite shop on the citadel!

And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by
This article is for a command that has been previously used by another Bravo Fleet member. Content is preserved but new commanders are not obligated to retain all details once they have taken command. Please see the Submission Guide for specifics.
After cleanup is complete, please remove this maintenance tag.

Kolar Blight

A throwaway joke about an Orion post-modern punk band that has taken on a life of its own. It's more like a super-group, constantly evolving, members coming and going. They've been around since at least the mid 2370s. Hits include

  • Agency Crisis
  • Fight for Paradise/Kick ‘em before they Stand
    • A foulmouthed anti-fascist rant directed at one Admiral Layton and his attempted coup during the Dominion Cold War. The chorus is notable for rhythming Layton with as many expletives across as many Federation languages as is reasonable.
  • Pah-Wraith Disco
    • Did poorly on the Bajoran Top 100. But made the Top 100. What does that say?
  • Martian Rhapsody
    • You wouldn't think a punk band to do a dirge, but somehow they pulled it off. Noted for beating the Bajoran and Klingon entries in the 2386 Bajoran Dirge Competition.
  • Flaming Nacelle
    • Apparently the only people who can understand what is being screamed in this song are all seasoned engineers from across numerous services in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. And none of them are happy. At least one had to be institutionalised upon hearing the song for the first time. Rumour persists he is still there to this day.
  • Goth Lord Punk
    • No one understands this one bit, but the melody is AWESOME!

First Battle of Leonis

First Battle of Leonis

March 2401


Leonis System


Alliance victory, complete destruction of Dominion forces

Starfleet, Fourth Fleet

Romulan Republic

House Lorkoth

KDF Observers
Dominion Lost Fleet
CAPT Theodoras

CAPT Sayil


CAPT Hor'keth

Tholian Assembly.png
CAPT Kaltene
Unknown Vorta
  • USS Atlantis
  •      Sovereign-class
  • USS Papakura
  •      Sagan-class
  • IKS Ba'korth
  •      Vor-cha-class
  • 2 K't'inga-class cruisers
  • 2 K't'inga-class support vessels
  • 25 B'rel-class birds of prey
  • RRW Admiral Ketterac
  •      Valdore-class
  • 4 Malem-class escorts
  • 3 Tholian Meshweavers
  • 1 Jem'Hadar Battleship
  • 1 Jem'Hadar Battlecruiser
  • 10 Jem'Hadar Attack Fighters
  • 20 orbital defence platforms
  • 20 Jem'Hadar Attack Fighters as reinforcements
Casualties and Losses
  • Some
  • Some more
  • Total loss of all Dominion assets in the system.
  • Dominion reinforcements destroyed en route by Klingon screening elements

The First Battle of Leonis was a response by Captain Theodoras to give allies that had committed to assisting Starfleet's Fourth Fleet in the Lost Fleet crisis an opportunity to engage the Dominion and achieve an early decisive win in order to build morale and set the tone for further operations.

Dominion forces ended up being superior to what was expected and the resulting battle, while conclusively in favour of the Federation Alliance forces, did result in extensive damage to allied vessels and forced a retreat of key combat vessels to Deneb in order to make repairs.