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Welcome to the Bravo Fleet Wiki!
The current year is 2402
This database contains all information relating to Bravo Fleet, including our canon storyline, official documents, and our organization's history. The majority of our database entries relate to our vision of the early 25th century, during the events of Star Trek: Picard. Keep in mind that this database is not a complete repository of what we consider canon, and we have tried to not simply duplicate information available from Memory Alpha. This wiki’s information is exclusive to Bravo Fleet, and holds important context for our stories and activities.
This wiki is a collaboration from our Intelligence Office staff and our membership. Any member of Bravo Fleet is welcome to add or edit information on our wiki, but only articles with a Bravo Fleet icon in the top right corner have been approved as fleet-wide canon. Pages not marked as such relate to individual commands and stories, and may be used at the discretion of other members. For an overview of what Bravo Fleet considers canon, please review our Canon Policy.
The Blackout is a phenomenon of disruptions to subspace leading to the failure of subspace-reliant technology: warp drive, long-range communications, and long-range sensors. It struck the Alpha and Beta Quadrants at the start of March 2402. Rather than a blanket effect, the Blackout fell in a seemingly random, criss-crossing pattern, as if impenetrable walls light-years thick had fallen to isolate star systems and sectors from the rest of the galaxy. At present, there is no known cause of or resolution to the Blackout.
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Fleet Policy
Learn about the rules and regulations governing the day-to-day operations of Bravo Fleet.
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Wiki Resources
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The Bravo Fleet Management System (BFMS) is our main website. This is where we store all of our writing, competitions, and other activities.