User:CrimsonTacit/Arcturus/Arcturus Duty Roster

From Bravo Fleet

The USS Arcturus operates on a four-shift duty rotation, with each shift lasting six hours. Crewmembers typically work six days in a row with one day off.

  • Alpha Shift - 0800 Hours—1400 Hours
  • Beta Shift - 1400 Hours—2000 Hours
  • Gamma Shift - 2000 Hours—0200 Hours
  • Delta Shift - 0200 Hours—0800 Hours

Main Bridge Duty Roster
Station Alpha Shift (0800 Hours—1400 Hours) Beta Shift (1400 Hours—2000 Hours) Gamma Shift (2000 Hours—0200 Hours) Delta Shift (0200 Hours—0800 Hours)
Command Duty Officer1
Executive Officer
Senior Officer of the Watch
Officer of the Watch2 Executive Officer Officer of the Watch Senior Officer of the Watch Officer of the Watch
Operations Manager Chief Operations Officer Assistant Chief Operations Officer Operations Officer Operations Officer
Helm Chief Flight Control Officer Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer Flight Control Officer Flight Control Officer
Tactical Tactical Officer Assistant Chief Tactical Officer Tactical Officer Tactical Officer
Communications Chief Communications Officer Assistant Chief Communications Officer Communications Officer Communications Officer
  1. The Command Duty Officer (CDO) has delegated command of the ship and handles concerns not rising to the level of the commanding officer, who is always on duty. Unlike other duty stations, the CDO is always a two-shift assignment. The CDO will hold the bridge as Officer of the Watch for the first shift of their rotation and remain on stand-by for the second.
  2. The Officer of the Watch is the individual in minute-to-minute command of the bridge in lieu of the Captain; on smaller ships, this would only be department heads, but on Arcturus has several command division lieutenants and lieutenant commanders who perform this function. If the executive officer or commanding officer takes the bridge, the officer of the watch remains at the first officer station. Department heads regularly take bridge watches as well, usually once a month.