
Template page
Revision as of 06:53, 16 July 2022 by McGig (talk | contribs) (Updating template to the new standard. Adding in the templatemode tag and putting it in the example to remove the template from the category page.)
Basic Information
Political Information


This template is to be used for governments in order to give a brief overview of the organisational entity. Can be used for smaller entities, just omit values not needed and the infobox will simply not display those rows.

It must be entered at the top of the article, or directly after any clear commands, and entered in via the Source Editor in order to ensure it works.

| name = 
| image = 
| species = 
| homeworld = 
| founded = 
| warp = 
| language = 
| currency = 
| government = 
| leader = 
| advancement = 
| military = 


People's Collective Union of Democratic Socialist Republics
Basic Information
Major Species

The Proletariat


Worker's Paradise



Warp Capable

Whatever the needs of the People require

Official Language

The will of the Masses

Official Currency

The Needs of the People

Political Information
Governance Type

Socialist Republic


Secretary General Elmo

Degree of Advancement

Better then yours bucko

Military Branches

People's Liberation and Defensive Organisation


The following code block produces the infobox to the right.

| name = People's Collective Union of Democratic Socialist Republics
| image =
| species = The Proletariat 
| homeworld = Worker's Paradise
| founded = 1917
| warp = Whatever the needs of the People require
| language = The will of the Masses
| currency = The Needs of the People
| government = Socialist Republic
| leader = Secretary General Elmo
| advancement = Better then yours bucko
| military = People's Liberation and Defensive Organisation