
From Bravo Fleet
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Encounter with USS Daedalus

USS Daedalus Meets Exodus

Encountered by USS Daedalus in 2401 as part of the Fourth Fleets investigations into increased Borg signals, Exodus was the home of a group of Unimatrix Zero survivors following the Borg Collective's restructure caused by the release of the Neurolytic Pathogen.

When Daedalus encountered the vessel it was severly damaged as a result of its journey from Borg terretory, those aboard were considering abandoning the vessel

Service History

Service to the Collective

Constructed in 2375 at Unimatrix 325, the vessel began as Sphere 531 and was assigned a variety of obejctives in service of the collective. It was present in the Yontasa Expanse during the assimilation of several planetary systems and operated in an exploratory function at the edge of Turei and Malon territory.

Release from the Hive Mind

Journey to Starfleet