User:Aarondelay/Mackenzie/Full Crew

From Bravo Fleet

Complete Crew Listing - USS Mackenzie

See the BFMS Crew Listing Here


  • Nurse Hilary Fuentes


  • Ensign Alanna Menzie


  • Ensign Jacob McCafferty


  • TBA

Security/Tactical ACSTO Ensign Dogukan Dalman Ensign Thomasina Webb Ensaign Raffaela Palmiotto Brig Officer Ensign Jason Montana

Science Ensign Sebastian Wolfe - Dead Ensign Alanna Menzie - Mind for science, hands for security Ensign Lonnie Maldonado Cadet Paul Polson Cadet Jenni Ode both Paul Polson and Jenni Ode had been trained as forensic analysts as their specialty within the science department. They had gone through the academy and been placed on the Mackenzie for their final six months of classes in August. Medical Ensign Muramoto Yoshiyuki - Japanese ACMO, 40 Ensign Jason Solo Ensign Terry Ramirez Nurse Hilary Fuentes Doctor Harold Benson, 60

Missing Engineers Crewman Gilberto Febo - alive Crewman Gilad Can - alive Ensign Gisa Kranz - Captured and alive Crewman Afya Ismael - Fake and dead Ensign Klaus Carl - captured and turned and dead