USS Erigone

From Bravo Fleet
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The USS Erigone is a Raven Class starship.


The USS Erigone has been assigned to many officers in the past. They are listed below.

  • Commander Ambrose Harris, 3.20.2400- Present


  • How a Harris Hopes - Ambrose Harris is assigned to take command of the USS Erigone. She has not been taken care of and it is discovered that the officer who put her into storage actively sabotaged her. Harris and some friends onboard Starbase Bravo take on the repair project.
  • The Salvage Job - The crew is sent on a salvage job, but here is more to this situation than it appears.
  • Into the Fire - As a part of the Fleet Action, "Sundered Wings", the crew faces several challenges from a distress call gone wrong to responding to a Romulan Starbase in need of assistance.


CDR Ambrose Harris, Commander, Chief of Engineering

LT Jordan Reid. Chief Medical Officer, Chief Science Officer

ENS William Prentice, Chief Helm Officer,

LT Matthew Phillips, Chief Operations Officer

LCDR Rachel McKee, ECH, Gamma Shift Commander / XO

ENS Roger Allen, Chief Security/Tactical Officer