Quirinus System

From Bravo Fleet
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The Quirinus System is a sector space within the Velorum Space of the Alpha Quadrant. An area of space not truly explored by the Federation. Two stars called Quirinus A, a tiny white Dwarf, and Quirinus B an L-type star, are gravitationally bound. The overall structure of the charted regions consists of five planets and a belt of rocky debris and asteroids.


Observation of other systems consisting of binary stars supports the theory that binaries develop through the fragmentation of charged molecular bonds during the formation of a stellar object. This binary system was formed about 6.64 billion years ago beginning as small clouds of stars and dust swirling through space. Scientists theorize a dying pulsar was devoured by a black hole which resulted in an explosion that created a protostar system. As the materials combined they began to form the binding elements that would become planets. As the system began to settle into a single star system, a rouge object was caught by gravitational forces. This sent the entire system spinning with resulting tidal forces that caused rotational chaos. Materials swirled in various directions colliding with others.

It took about a billion years for the two stellar objects to fall into a rhythm that created a stabilizing magnetic field. Similar to other star systems, heavy rocky material was pulled toward the center and lighter elemental material moved further away. Planets were born and destroyed until their defined orbits were established. Vulcan and Federation scientists who study astrophysics consider this to be a Level 3, P system. That is to say that a small protostar orbits a larger object with a denser mass while planets orbit the two objects as they would a large single star.



Star system

QuirinuS system


Velorum sector


Alpha Quadrant

  • Derna
  • Jeraddo
  • Three others



3.8 billion

Warning: Default sort key "ASCLEPIUS" overrides earlier default sort key "QUIRINUS BINARY SYSTEM".

Asclepius The first planet in orbit is a barren rock with no natural satellites. Its orbit takes 60 Earth days. Geological features consist of fissures created by flowing magma from early volcanic activity but are no longer geologically active. A small nickel-carbon core creates a weak magnetic field but no atmosphere exsists. The surface of the planet is blasted with tremendous cosmic energies by solar winds that heat and cool the planet. Temperatures range from -150 °C to well over 500 °C.


Bajor is a Class M planet which is also the largest planet in the Bajoran system. It is located near to The Badlands and also the Demilitarised Zone, with notable planets nearby including Cardassia Prime and Ferenginar. The surface of Bajor is varied between mixed terrain land masses and oceans. There are a large number of settlements of varying sizes, with two capital cities, Dahkur and Sahving.

Star system

Quirinus System




Alpha Quadrant

Warning: Default sort key "TAL PRA'UEX" overrides earlier default sort key "ASCLEPIUS".

TAL PRA'UEX began as an uninhabited Class L planet possessing a thin atmosphere and levels of solar radiation higher than other planets in its class. Romulan colonists set up a preliminary base in 2207 and terraformed the planet over the next eighty years. While not fully M class, the climate ranges from desert to tropical. Three large continents and four smaller landmasses allow for flora and fauna to flourish. The south polar region oddly serves as the primary magnetic pole that disrupts electrical currents for six months out of the 14-month planetary calendar. This has kept the technological level lower than other inhabited Romulan planets. It also gave rise to an agrarian and independent society.

Template:Asteroid Field

An asteroid field filled with a mix of mineral-rich rocks and dust, located between the orbits of the 2nd and 3rd planets orbiting the binary stars. Home to newly free Reman slaves who call themselves the Pentaƶian Coalition. They live and work throughout the region and operate three major mining stations and a trading station whose name roughly translates to Port Umbra. A 6-mile-long by 4-mile-wide trading post was constructed inside an asteroid. The station is divided into four color-coded areas: Green, Red, Yellow, and Black. Each area is subdivided into nine sectors which is home to over three hundred thousand Reman miners, traders, and other inhabitants. Most facilities and living quarters lean toward the spartan side of things.

Port Umbra

A 6-mile-long by 4-mile-wide trading post was constructed inside an asteroid. The station is divided into four color-coded areas: Green, Red, Yellow, and Black. Each area is subdivided into nine sectors which is home to over three hundred thousand Reman miners, traders, and other inhabitants. Most facilities and living quarters lean toward the spartan side of things. Entertainment and other emmenities exsist for the purposes of doing business.

Star system

Quirinus System




Alpha Quadrant



  • Trag and *Furn2






Warning: Default sort key "MATEC" overrides earlier default sort key "TAL PRA'UEX".

MATEC The third planet is a ringed Class M Ocean planet with two natural satellites called Trag and Furn. High concentrations of water and carbon vapor trap energy given off from the dual suns creating a thick atmosphere filled with gases that form clouds and violent weather patterns. Liquid bodies of water cover nearly 84% of the surface and the remaining land masses are little more than islands. The largest being 235 miles wide by 855 miles long, mostly mountains in the north and sandy shores to the south encompassing a great plain of grass and marshland.

Trag is a small rocky planetoid in an elliptical orbit around Matec at 567,000 km (5.8 light-seconds). Fran is a nine-mile-wide asteroid in orbit 29,000 miles above the surface of Trag. Their rotation causes tidal activities and changes in weather patterns that create the seasons.

Star system

Quirinus System




Alpha Quadrant

Warning: Default sort key "JOCAVUM" overrides earlier default sort key "MATEC".

Gas giant with wind speeds well over 320MPH with a diverse chemical composition of hydrogen, bromine, water, and hundreds of other chemicals native to it. This is the largest planet in the system and a gravity strength had five moons.

Star system

Quirinus System




Alpha Quadrant

Warning: Default sort key "ICE HOT ICE" overrides earlier default sort key "JOCAVUM".