Bravo Fleet Security Officer

From Bravo Fleet
Revision as of 07:57, 19 July 2022 by McGig (talk | contribs) (Removing the table Holders of Office and inserting a link to the BFMS role page, establishing consistency for this across all role articles. Inserting a clear tag to force category boxes under the infobox if need be.)
This article is official Bravo Fleet Official Policy.

The Bravo Fleet Gaming Officer (BFGO) is a voting member of Bravo Fleet Command responsible for managing the fleet's online gaming activities. This position is established under Article III of the Bravo Fleet Charter

General Duties

  • Operating the Bravo Fleet Gaming Office;
  • Managing of Bravo Fleet's gaming presence;
  • Coordinating events and live streams for the membership;
  • Tracking and rewarding gaming achievements submitted by members;
  • Interacting with the membership to encourage participation in gaming activities.

In Character Role

The Bravo Fleet Gaming Officer serves as the in-character Director of the Fourth Fleet Tactical Command.

Holders of Office