Mirage Station

From Bravo Fleet
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Deep Space 27, better known as Mirage Station, is a Unity-class starbase assigned to the Fourth Fleet's Task Force 93.

Deep Space 27, codenamed Mirage Station, is a Unity-class space station that serves as the last station on the fringes of the Federation border and Deep Space. DS-27 is located over Sigemi XIV in the Sigemi Cluster. Starfleet positioned DS-27 near deep space allowing for a great response of assistance if needed between Deep Space 19 & 17. The station is situated in the vicinity of a dilithium rich planet. The planet is more fertile than usual and produces dilithium at higher rates. The mines and operations on the planet needed aid from Starfleet for helping in the upgrades within the operation and making it more secure through defensive measures and overwatch.

Due to its secluded location, it also allows the station to fulfill its place as the Neptune Squadrons base of operations, but also allows for trade operations. This allows for allocation, transportation, as well as purchasing and trade with the planet. It also serves as a strong industrial hub on the frontier, and a place where many come to resupply, or have repairs performed if things go awry out in the fringes of deep space.

DS-27 is like a western town, as it is the last place of respite before the final frontier. A place where weary and wayward travelers stop through and kick their feet up at the bar to rest while the station’s staff fixes anything up for them that’s needed.

Notable Crew

Commanding Officers