SBB Artifact tables

From Bravo Fleet
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Table 1 - An Object

1. An impressive statue made of unknown materials in the shape of a four legged creature.
2. A circular stone object with several small moving parts.
3. A large golden box with ornate carvings and unknown script, there appears to be a lid on both top and bottom.
4. A large intricately woven piece of fabric showing a beautiful vista.
5. A fabric dolly in the shape of a non-humanoid creature.
6. A silvery metallic pyramid covered in switches and dials.
7. A handheld device made of bio-organic materials that is warm and wet to the touch.
8. A bag containing a number of small geometric objects covered with intricate carvings.
9. A helmet designed to fit a humanoid.
10. A delicate, glass like object with colourful liquid in the centre.

Table 2 - A Location

1. Received as a gift during a first contact.
2. Found in the ruins of an ancient city on a distant planetoid.
3. Secured from a pirate trove on the edge of Federation space.
4. Discovered in the archives of a retiring starship.
5. Received from a sketchy trader in exchange for Latinum.
6. Accidently brought aboard in a crate following a second contact.
7. Discovered aboard a derelict starship in a dangerous asteroid belt.
8. Found floating in space without any context.
9. Discovered aboard an abandoned watercraft on a sea covered ocean planet.
10. Collected as one of a number of artefacts from an archeological dig.

Table 3 - A Quirk

1. The object glows when in the presence of a specific electromagnetic radiation.
2. Sensors indicate there is something enclosed within the object.
3. The object is made of organic matter.
4. The object appears to have aftermarket addons, both professional and amateur.
5. The object emits a voice speaking in an unfamiliar language.
6. The object is made of a rare and difficult to source substance.
7. The object came with a stern warning “do not place upside down”
8. The writing on the surface of the object change at a regular interval.
9. The object is hollow but rattles when shaken.
10. No-one remembers studying the object before but it has been stored with a hand written note.