
From Bravo Fleet


Copy the below code as a nice, quick starter to a command's wiki page. Look for all () sections and replace as required to populate.

| name = (just put the name here)
| prefix = (SS, USS, IKS etc)
| image = 
| registry = 
| class = 
| type = (frigate, destroyer, cruiser etc etc. Consult class page if unsure or leave blank)
| affiliation = 
| status = (Active/Retired/NPC/Destroyed)
| commission = 
| decommission = 
| destroyed =
| unit = 
| taskforce = (only supply a task force for primary commands, RPGs are not in task forces)
| taskgroup = (only supply a task force for primary commands, RPGs are not in task forces)
| squadron = (Use this if your group command on BFMS consists of 4 or more commands)
| division = (Use this if your group commend on BFMS consists of 3 or less commands)
| mothership = (only for Aquarius escorts for their Odyssey motherships)
| homeport = (only supply for station attached ships)
| role =
| co = 
| xo = 
| dedication = (image of ships dedication plague to be added here)
<!--insert quote here if you have one, using the quote template-->
<!--opening preamble. Good to remove this comment before saving.-->
'''USS ''(Name goes here)'' NCC-(Registry goes here)''' is a {{class| (class of starship goes here) }} [[United Federation of Planets|Federation]] starship currently assigned to [[Fourth Fleet|Fourth Fleet's]] [[Task Force (TF number goes here)]]. She is currently under the command of (insert BFMS char link here).

<!--Do not delete the Notable Crew section. It is used by the Intel Office for command history tracking. Leave at the bottom of the page.-->
==Notable Crew==
===Commanding Officers===
*[(the full link to your command's BFMS page here) (start year ie 2401) - Present] : [[bfms char:(BFMS char number here)|(Character rank and name here)]]
