User:The Watcher141/Paramount/Duty Roster

From Bravo Fleet

The USS Paramount operates on a four-shift duty rotation, with each shift lasting six hours. Crewmembers spend one shift at their duty station and remain on-call for the shift immediately following that one, with the remaining two shifts reserved for sleep, exercise, and recreation. Crew members assigned to day shift rotations typically work six days in a row with one day off. Crew members assigned to night shift rotations work five days in a row with two days off. For continuity of care reasons, physicians and nurses work double shifts and four days in a row with one day on-call and two days off.

  • Alpha Shift - 0600 Hours—1200 Hours
  • Beta Shift - 1200 Hours—1800 Hours
  • Gamma Shift - 1800 Hours—2400 Hours
  • Delta Shift - 2400 Hours—0600 Hours

Main Bridge Duty Roster
Station Alpha Shift
Beta Shift
Gamma Shift
Delta Shift
Command Duty Officer1
Executive Officer
Senior Officer of the Watch
LTJG Khag Dviffirh
Officer of the Watch2 Executive Officer Officer of the Watch Senior Officer of the Watch Officer of the Watch
Operations Manager Chief Operations Officer Operations Officer Assistant Chief Operations Officer Operations Officer
Helm Chief Flight Control Officer Flight Control Officer Assistant Chief Flight Control Officer Flight Control Officer
Tactical Chief Tactical Officer Tactical Officer Assistant Chief Tactical Officer Tactical Officer
Communications Chief Communications Officer Communications Officer Assistant Chief Communications Officer Communications Officer
  1. The Command Duty Officer (CDO) has delegated command of the ship and handles concerns not rising to the level of the commanding officer, who is always on duty. Unlike other duty stations, the CDO is always a two-shift assignment. The CDO will hold the bridge as Officer of the Watch for the first shift of their rotation and remain on stand-by for the second.
  2. The Officer of the Watch is the individual in minute-to-minute command of the bridge in place of the Captain, This role would often be filled by someone on the senior staff whether a department head or a deputy. Department heads regularly take bridge watches, usually three times a month to ensure they keep up with their bridge command training. If the executive officer or commanding officer takes the bridge, the officer of the watch remains at the first officer station.
Engineering Duty Roster
Station Alpha Shift
Beta Shift
Gamma Shift
Delta Shift
Engineering Duty Officer
Chief Engineer
Deputy Chief Engineer or Assistant Chief Engineer
Main Engineering Chief Engineer Shift Engineer Deputy Chief Engineer Shift Engineer
Secondary Engineering Deputy Chief Engineer Shift Engineer Assistant Chief Engineer Shift Engineer

Similar to the way the bridge is staffed, the Engineering Duty Officer is the senior engineer on duty during a particular period. For Alpha and Beta shifts, this is the Chief Engineer herself, and then the two deputies rotate during Gamma and Delta shifts. Main Engineering and Secondary Engineering (in the saucer) also have a shift engineer in command for each shift.

Medical Duty Roster
Station Alpha Shift
Beta Shift
Gamma Shift
Delta Shift
Medical Duty Officer
Chief Medical Officer
Deputy Chief Medical Officer
Attending Physician
Primary Hull
Assistant Medical Officer Attending Physician
Charge Nurse
Primary Hull
Head of Nursing Senior Nursing Officer
Attending Physician
Secondary Hull
2nd Deputy Chief Medical Officer Attending Physician
Charge Nurse
Secondary Hull
Deputy Head of Nursing Senior Nursing Officer

The Medical Duty Officer is the senior physician on duty between both sickbays, and each sickbay also has an attending physician and charge nurse who lead the practitioners in their spheres over double shifts.


Inspiration for this page comes from CrimsonTacit's USS Arcturus Duty Roster.