SS Vondem Rose

From Bravo Fleet
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"Under the leadership of a man you have all chosen to flee. We shall see how you prove yourselves under the hand of a woman."
    —Zheng Yi Sao - Chinese pirate

Legally the SS Vondem Rose is the primary ship of Totally Legitimate Salvage Operations LLC, a duly registered and licensed United Federation of Planets salvage operator in possession of a Starfleet writ. The ship is also registered as an armed merchantman, capable of being called up in times of need by Starfleet if required for running dangerous cargo, though curiously has never been asked to do so at this time.

In reality, the ship is a relatively modern K'tinga-class battlecruiser that has been taken as a prize by one Captain Sidda and her band of misfits. The vessel had been built and placed into immediate storage by the Klingon Defence Force years ago under contract to a minor house shipyard. During that time and the uprising of the Hunters of D'Ghor, the vessel had fallen into D'Ghor hands and was being prepared for operations against the Federation. During harassing operations against the Hunters, the vessel was taken forcibly as compensation for the loss of the Vondem Rose.

The ship is well maintained, perhaps better so, and retains typical features found on Klingon warships, while being fitted with luxuries the Klingon designers considered unnecessary for a warship. Technically listed as an independent vessel, the ship's cloaking device is maintained and fully operational, a selling point when undertaking 'legitimate' cargo runs. The ship also sports Sidda's customary purple paint job, with each wing of the vessel splashed with the emblem of the Vondem Rose where the KDF symbol would have been in another era.

Notable Crew

SS Vondem Rose

  • Commanding Officer - Captain Sidda Sadovu, orion female from Vondem
    • Commander's confident - Revin, romulan female from the Romulan Republic
  • First Mate - Orelia, orion female
  • Chief Engineering Officer - T'Ael, romulan female formerly of Romulus
    • Engineering Officer - R'tin, romulan male formerly of Romulus
  • Chief Tactical Officer - Orin, orion male
  • Chief Security Officer - Deidrick Osterman, human male
  • Chief Helm Officer - Lewis Chin, human male
  • Chief Medical Officer - Melissa "Bones" Ward, human female
  • Chief Cook/Counselor/Morale Officer - Kevak, klingon male
    • Cook's Mate - K'tah, klingon female
    • Cook's Mate - Lern, klingon male
  • Quartermaster, Chief Financial Officer - Na'roq, ferengi female
  • Science Guy - Tavol, vulcan male
  • Prisoner - T'Rev, the Last Pirate King, vulcan male

SS Martian Thorn