Eos Division

From Bravo Fleet

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
    —Ralph Waldo Emerson


Operating from Eos Station (DS108), a recently modernized Watchtower-class facility, the Eos Frontier Division is a defensive and exploratory unit within the Alpha Doradus system near Freecloud and T'Met


The Eos Frontier Division's primary mission is twofold: navigating the ever-changing political landscape within the Romulan Free State and ensuring security near Freecloud, a notorious hub of illegal activity. The Division's objectives include:

  1. Providing Intelligence: Act as a listening post for Starfleet, monitoring Romulan movements, communications, and political developments. It's sensor arrays and intelligence teams gather and analyze crucial data to inform Starfleet Command.
  2. Conducting Patrols: Oversee and secure trade routes, particularly near Freecloud. Its patrols aim to prevent and address criminal activities, smuggling operations, and unauthorized assaults that could affect the sector and threaten Federation interests.
  3. Scientific Exploration and Surveillance: Conduct research and monitor spatial anomalies and Romulan activities. Providing scientific data to increase the division’s understanding and support the division's overall mission objectives.
  4. Rapid Response and Tactical Operations: Respond quickly to threats and conduct reconnaissance, ensuring a proactive stance against potential dangers near the Romulan border.


Eos Station was commissioned in 2293, right before the historic Khitomer Accords were signed. Situated strategically along the Romulan Neutral Zone, this Watchtower-class station was the latest marvel of Federation engineering, packed with cutting-edge technology. Its mission was straightforward: keep an eye on the Romulans, defend the borders, and monitor any activity along the edge of Federation space. For many years, Eos Station was a symbol of the Federation’s vigilance, always watching, always ready.

But galactic politics, as they often do, shifted. After the Tomed Incident in 2311, the Romulan Star Empire withdrew into isolation, closing its borders and pulling back from the stage. With the Romulans fading into the background, Eos Station’s strategic significance dwindled. Starfleet’s attention was drawn elsewhere, and gradually, the station’s status was reduced. It became little more than a minor outpost on a border that no longer seemed to matter. Over the decades, what was once a proud station fell into disrepair. Its once state-of-the-art systems became relics, echoes of a past era, as the station faded into obscurity.

Then came 2400, and everything changed. The collapse of the Romulan Star Empire at Rator and the chaos of the ensuing civil war turned the region upside down. Starfleet quickly realized it needed to shore up its defenses against the fractured Romulan people and ordered Eos Station to be reactivated and modernized. In 2401, the USS Edison, an Edison-class starship, was assigned to reinforce the station’s capabilities. With the station fully operational again, Starfleet established the Eos Frontier Division, tasked with securing the Alpha Doradus system. Peter Mitchell, a seasoned officer who knew the region’s complexities inside and out, was appointed as the Division's first commander.


April 2401 - Present: Captain Peter Mitchell


Eos Station

Watchtower-class Station

Division Headquarters Captain Elena Mitchell

Station Commanding Officer

Role: Eos Station serves as the command center for the division. Recently upgraded, it provides support for the division’s operations, including tactical coordination, intelligence gathering, and overall command. Captain Elena Mitchell oversees the station’s operations
USS Edison

Edison-class Heavy Frigate

Border Patrol & Defense Commander Austin Tindal
Role: The USS Edison is the division’s primary vessel for border patrol and rapid response. It maintains intercepts illegal activities and responds swiftly to emerging threats. With its advanced sensors and tactical capabilities, the Edison is a cornerstone of the division's defensive operations.