Sirius Squadron

From Bravo Fleet
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Endeavour Squadron is a formation centered around the starship Endeavour, an Obena-class explorer. It is currently under the command of Fleet Captain Lionel Jericho of the USS Triumph. The squadron is currently assigned to the rimward Federation border with the Romulan Factions, tackling the many challenges of this difficult region. The squadron is assigned directly to Fourth Fleet Operations and not one of the fleet's task forces, though is often favoured by Director of Fourth Fleet Intelligence Vice Admiral Alexander Beckett for special assignments.

The squadron's primary mission is to restore stability in this chaotic region. While Endeavour's historic mission of diplomacy stands, the squadron's formation under Fleet Captain Jericho demonstrates how seriously Starfleet takes the border's security. The group is directed to cooperate with friendly local factions and build in-roads with others, and the Federation remains intent on helping the dispossessed of the Romulan territories becoming self-sufficient and self-governing. Likewise, the assignment of the USS Pathfinder allows the squadron to pursue opportunities for exploration and scientific discovery opened up by the changes in governments and potential research agreements with new allies. But the region is not without its threats: the influence of the Romulan Free State and the Tal Shiar, the ambitions of smaller, volatile Romulan factions, the raiding of local pirate and criminal elements, and the renewed manipulations of the renegade House of Mo'Kai, keen to exploit the chaos for their own interests.


  • USS Endeavour - Obena-class explorer — While Fleet Captain Jericho of the Triumph commands the squadron, Endeavour's capabilities keep her at the heart of operations. A powerful and flexible starship bolstering any mission, most of the squadron's assignments are planned around her. She is a strong diplomatic platform and well-equipped to provide humanitarian aid as much as she is tactically powerful. Captain Matt Rourke has commanded her since her commissioning in 2399, and he and his seasoned crew have spent most of the time since in the squadron's area of operations, bringing significant experience to the unit.
  • USS Triumph - Inquiry-class heavy cruiser — The Triumph has served for years in significant tactical hot-spots around the quadrant. Fleet Captain Jericho leads the squadron from his ship, which has a primary focus of protecting the diplomatic mission and taking point on any security threats. The Triumph has been outfitted with a full squadron of Valkyrie-class starfighters, and hosts the squadron's SCE team, who make permanent use of one of the ship's New Atlantic-class runabouts.
  • USS Pathfinder - Pathfinder-class long-range science vesselPathfinder is charged with the squadron's scientific operations, and so usually operates independently. In a region rife with upheaval, stellar sciences are only her secondary priority, and the research crew are primarily archaeologists, historians, and anthropologists. Pathfinder's responsibilities on the Romulan frontier combine exploring new opportunities for scientific discovery opened by the changing political landscape and supporting often dispossessed and forcibly relocated populations in recovering, restoring, and maintaining connections their history.
  • USS Nighthawk - Reliant-class frigate — The Nighthawk is the designated support ship for the squadron. Captained by Commander Abigail Shepherd, this small frigate usually accompanies Endeavour or, more commonly, the Triumph on operations to provide assistance and reinforcements. If needed, she stays behind to resolve the final phases of long-term scientific or humanitarian operations as the rest of the squadron moves on or responds to more urgent affairs.
  • USS Independence - Diligent-class frigate — The Independence is the scout and escort for the squadron under the command of Commander Ramius Lothar. When necessary it provides reconnaissance in potentially dangerous situations, or tactical support to the other ships. While it often protects the Nighthawk or acts as escort to the Triumph in a deployment, the Independence is also charged with monitoring Mo'Kai activities, conducting security assessments, and where necessary interceding.