Supported Games:Star Trek Online

From Bravo Fleet
Revision as of 22:09, 31 August 2024 by Mamof (talk | contribs)

Star Trek Online

  1. Bravo Fleet has officially supported in-game fleets for Star Trek Online (STO) on PC (both factions), which provide members with various resources and perks.
  2. Members may also earn ribbons for STO gaming in factions or on platforms where Bravo Fleet does not maintain an official presence.

1 - STO In-Game Fleet Management

  1. Bravo Fleet maintains fleets for the following factions/platforms:
    1. PC - Federation - Bravo Fleet
    2. PC - Klingon - House of yo’ loS
  1. Members may join an in-game fleet with one or more in-game characters, also known as “alts” or “toons”, by requesting to do so in the Bravo Fleet Discord channel #sto-fleet-requests.
    1. Characters that do not log in at least once every month will be removed from the in-game fleets to ensure there are enough slots for all members.
    2. Members who transfer to the Reserves voluntarily or through the AWOL process will have their characters removed from the in-game fleets.
    3. We kindly ask that all members only keep characters in the fleet that they intend to play to keep room for recruitment/other members.
  2. In-Game rank is based off of the rank achieved in Bravo Fleet, though it is not exact due to limitations of the game engine on providing only a set amount of ranks:
    1. All members will get promoted to a rank approximate to their BFMS ranking, with the following levels:
      1. Recruit - Newly recruited to the STO fleet
      2. Cadet - Cadet ranks, achievable after joining BFMS and authenticating on Discord
      3. Junior Officer - Midshipman to Lieutenant
      4. Senior Officer - Lieutenant Commander and up
    2. As there is no automated connection to BFMS for ranks. If you notice your rank is incorrect, please provide your character@handle in the #sto-fleet-requests channel and a member of the Security staff will process your promotion.
  3. Permissions for each in-game rank are assigned at the discretion of the Security Office, and all members have access to:
    1. Purchase from provisioned fleet stores and fleet shipyards
    2. Visit fleet holdings
    3. Invite non-members to fleet holdings
    4. Use of the Fleet Bank, the degree of which is determined based on rank

2 - STO Awards

  1. Bravo Fleet uses the following awards in Star Trek Online:
    1. Campaign Ribbons
    2. Joint Action Ribbons

2.1 - STO Campaign Ribbons

An example of a Mission Journal screenshot, showing the Cardassian Struggle arc is completed.
  1. Campaign Ribbons for STO gaming are earned by the following actions per character:
    1. Reaching Level 65
    2. Completing Story Arcs in groups as follows:
      1. Completing the faction specific storyline arcs
      2. From the end of the faction specific arc to New Romulus
      3. Solonae Dyson Sphere and Delta Quadrant
      4. Iconian War, Yesterday's War and Future Proof
      5. New Frontiers and Gamma Quadrant
      6. Age of Discovery, J'Ula's Discovery and Klingon Civil War
      7. All of The Galaxy At Large arcs that have been removed from the main story
    3. Completing at least three reputations to Level 6
    4. Completing all the current Admiralty factions to Level 10
    5. Completing the first individual Duty Officer branch to Level 4
    6. Completing five Duty Officer branches to Level 4
    7. Completing at least two Research and Development Branches to Level 20
    8. Completing each of the primary Specializations (Command, Intel, Pilot, Temporal, Miracle Worker)
    9. Completing all of the secondary Specializations on one character (Constable, Strategist, Commando)
    10. Complete a Recruit Transponder (Delta, Temporal, Gamma, Klingon)
  2. Campaign ribbons can be earned by the following actions once per account:
    1. Progressively completing 50 levels in the Endeavour system (awarded at 50, 100, 150, et al)
    2. Progressing and completing one STO Event, to completion of the prize at the end of the event
      1. This is a repeatable action that can be completed for each event, but can only be used to claim one Campaign Ribbon per event, per account
    3. A bonus for specific performance in a gaming-related competition, per that competition's rules
  3. A qualifying submission for this award should contain a screenshot showing the character's name, level and the activity completed as applicable, as well as the character's name in the gaming activity form's text box.

2.2 - STO Joint Action Ribbons

  1. Joint Action Ribbons for STO gaming are earned by playing Star Trek Online in a group of Bravo Fleet members against environments and sometimes players too.
  2. Activities include:
    1. Task Force Operations
    2. Patrols
    3. Red Alerts
    4. Story Missions
    5. Battlezones
  3. A qualifying submission for this award should contain a screenshot with proof that a qualifying action has been completed.
    1. Multiple actions of the same type should be submitted as a single submission whenever possible, as long as the same number of participants are in each instance.
    2. When submitting multiple screenshots of different difficulty levels, each content type (Normal, Advanced, Elite) must be submitted separately.
    3. When submitting for battlezones, since this is a time-based submission, you must provide a screenshot of your start time in the battlezone and a screenshot of the end time. Rewards will be calculated at a rate of 4 Joint Action Ribbons per hour of gameplay, with one hour minimum being required for submission.
  4. Joint Action Ribbons are awarded based on the following formula, where the multipliers change by the table below:
Activity JAR Member Multipliers JAR Content Multipliers
Description Value Description Value Description Value
Patrol/Red Alert 1 JAR 2 Members 1x Normal 1x
TFO/Story Mission 3 JARs 3 Members 2x Advanced 2x
Battlezone 4 JARs 4 Members 3x Story Mission 2x

Activity x Member Multiplier x Content Multiplier x Number of Submissions (if more than one) = Total Ribbons