USS ibn Al-Haytham

From Bravo Fleet

USS ibn Al-Haytham NCC-91965 is a Sutherland-class Federation starship currently assigned to Fourth Fleet's Task Force 17.

Crew of the Horsehead

  • Captain Rwiana Vako: A betazoid female in her mid fifties. Captain Vako is an accomplished astrophysicist with a doctorate in her primary field of expertise. She has spent her entire career serving on starships, with several long-term deep space research missions under her belt. Her move to command was a smooth one as she is natural in her leadership style. Captain Vako is known to be a wonderful teacher and mentor to those in her circles. Despite her position, she takes a hands-on approach to her duties and is known to still pull shifts in the science department. Getting command of the ibn Al-Haytham has been a high point of pride for her.
  • Commander Cruv lorin Chaaggun: A male tellarite nearing his career's end. He is an old space mercenary who entered Starfleet late in life. Commander Chaaggun is true to many of the stereotypes of his species. He is gruff, grumpy and quick to temper. He makes up for this in his steadfast dedication to his duties and has served several captains with distinction. Notably, he has turned down two separate offers for his own command, most recently opting to finish his career and take the opportunity to serve on the newly commissioned ibn Al-Haytham as its executive officer.

In Play

  • The ibn Al-Haytham is a Task Unit Asset, and any member of Task Force 17 can feature it in their stories.
  • The ibn Al-Haytham is an advanced scientific vessel with cutting-edge technology to fit such a profile. She is a large mobile research base and home to many specialists in various fields of science.
  • It would not be unusual for the ibn Al-Haytham to arrive and offer field assistance when niche expertise is needed, especially for smaller and less resourced vessels.
  • The ibn Al-Haytham can be used like any other task unit asset, showing up to resupply or deliver officers, or mentioned off-screen by dealing with distant problems or discovering the initial plot hook that your ship is sent to deal with.